Question about AP Scores and the UC App

So it asks you to report any AP Tests that you have not yet taken but plan to take. I have heard that UC’s have rescinded admissions before when applicants don’t take AP Exams they said they were going to take on their application. Right now I’m really not sure if I’m going to take AP Tests for two of the AP Classes I am in because I feel like my teachers aren’t that good and they are important classes for my major and I should just retake them anyways in college so I have a better understanding (AP Calculus BC and AP Macroeconomics) and don’t want to waste money on taking the tests if I’m going to repeat these courses in college anyways. (I think I could probably get a 3-4 on both, especially the BC test because of what I know from AB, but I doubt I feel very comfortable with the BC material to where I would feel comfortable advancing to higher level maths in college right away.)

So what I’m asking is that what should I do on the app. I don’t want to put that I’m going to take them and then don’t take them, but I may decide to take them if I actually do feel like I have learned enough of the material and I would be taking a test I didn’t report. So can somebody help me?

UC’s do not rescind applicants for not taking an AP exam. AP scores are not used for admission purposes only for college credit. If you plan to take the exams, then note that on the application even if you are not sure. You will be accepted prior to the exam dates and the release of the scores. so it will make no difference either way once you have your acceptances in hand.