<p>It would be great if everyone can post the dates when they receive notice of USC continuing student scholarships, so all future students will have an idea when they can expect to hear the good news.</p>
<p>I will start:</p>
<p>My D received an email notice of an award of Leventhal Scholarship on 04/12/2014, but she cannot keep it as she just changed her major to Business Admin the day before. Sigh....</p>
<p>Many of these continuing student scholarships are announced in June/early July (last several years experience)</p>
<p>Some of these are from individuals with unique requirements. The notification dates can vary. The schools do try to notify students as soon as possible.</p>
<p>In an attempt to give continuing students some ideas on when to expect notification, I am very happy to announce that my D received email notification today (06/10/2014) of the receipt of an Alumni Scholarship for 2014-2015.</p>
<p>Congratulations to her!</p>
<p>Thanks, she is excited for her first scholarship.</p>
<p>S received an alumni scholarship about one week ago.
<p>My S received a continuing student scholarship, but we didn’t receive a notification. It just showed up on our financial aid. We are thrilled for our S as he really worked hard for it and are extremely appreciative of the financial assistance. [= Happy day!</p>
<p>My D received the same $5000 continuing student scholarship she received last year. She was notified about 2 weeks ago (I believe by email). It doesn’t make a huge dent but it’s very much appreciated both for the $ and the honor.</p>
<p>Congrats @southerncalimom, and @CollegeMom48. We’re still seeing the screen that packages won’t be done until early July so hopefully that’s not the final word for your families. Good luck!</p>
<p>Congratulations to @Minnymom, @southerncalimom, and @CollegeMom48. Thanks of posting the notification dates so future students has some references.</p>