
<p>Comes out tomorrow at 3 PM PST!!!!</p>

<p>Has anyone’s base camp gone blank?</p>

<p>Mine has gone blank also. I’m excited for the results tomorrow! Hopefully it goes better than last time :)</p>

<p>Good luck! DS just came home for spring break and he loves it!</p>

<p>Do you guys mean your base camp went completely blank? Mine still shows my completed check list, admissions rep, campus news, and the connect with us section. Everything else is gone, though.</p>

<p>@breanna - same</p>

<p>Last time when I was deferred that checklist showed but now everything is blank. For some reason I think this is good news!</p>

<p>@thirrdplanet - Ah. Great. Haha, I’ll live I suppose.</p>

<p>how’d you guys fair? :)</p>

<p>Honestly I can’t even log in. I’m going to have to wait a bit.</p>

<p>mine won’t load! Ugh I have to go to lax…</p>

<p>the same here - can’t log in</p>

<p>Yep same here. I mean I’ve been waiting for a couple of months… A couple of minutes shouldn’t hurt</p>

<p>Rejected :(</p>

<p>@ohiosnow - No kidding. At least I’ve developed some patience skills out of the college app process.</p>

<p>Still nothing after 30 minutes for me… they really need to fix the website!</p>

<p>I have been trying to log in for 35 minutes. Time for a break. </p>

<p>Sent from my LG-P925 using CC</p>

<p>Thirdplanet- I really am sorry. I have seen you on here enough to know how bad that must hurt</p>

<p>So am I correct to think that others are also having technical difficulties? When I go to the CCBaseCamp there is no obvious link to a decision. Is this just me not knowing where to look?</p>

<p>the decision was right on top for EA</p>