Notre Dame Leadership Seminar 2019

There’s been one for every year so let’s continue it! How are everyone’s applications so far?

Hey @cateegeo. I attended last summer and it was an incredible experience. Let me know if you have any questions.

Can you let us know what your test scores were and GPA?

@class20pa, When I applied in January (junior year), I had an unweighted GPA of about 3.75 with 3 APs and 3 years of a difficult language at a competitive Catholic HS in NY. I had not taken the SAT or ACT when I first applied, but had registered for the February ACT. I got really sick a few days before the test but took it anyway with a fever and got a 32 and that was my only score when I was accepted in March. I took the ACT again in April and got a much higher score, but at that point, it didn’t matter. I believe that standardized test scores are not as important for NDLS admissions as they are for undergraduate admission. For NDLS, they seem to be looking for a few different things. All of the kids were great and a few had very special skills – there was a musician who opened for Cage the Elephant, a stand-out high school football kicker, a few who started successful businesses/NGOs and even two Olympians. But the rest of the kids like me had solid academics and had spent significant time doing something unique (EC, job, school activity) related to one of the seminar topics. I think the letter of recommendation probably means a lot too. It was an absolutely incredible experience and I wish everyone good luck.

@RFM1617 When you say everyone had spent significant time doing something unique, can you give some examples? I mean, I’m applying but I’m certainly no businesswoman or environmental prodigy or anything like that. Also, which seminar did you attend? I’m just curious what it’s like!

@RFM1617 Sorry I’ve been inactive for so long but I have so many questions. I only had the opportunity to take one exam which was the PSAT and I got a pretty low score of 1300. I’ve honestly been panicking ever since about whether or not they’ll deny me right away because of how low my test score was. My GPA is a 4.0, but the test score ughhhh! I don’t know. I’m just very insecure about myself I guess and I have no clue how to show that I believe I deserve to be there (not in a cocky way). Another question, are there any fees involved?

@farmerboy20 what I mean is that there are three different seminars and each student seemed to have a demonstrated interest in the subject matter. For example, I attended the Global Issues seminar and my high school electives (social justice, genocide) and extra curricular activities (volunteering with refugees) seemed consistent with other kids in my seminar. Many had done debate or model UN or were proficient in a few languages. @cateegeo, I truly do not think that a 1300 PSAT will take you out of the running, particularly with a 4.0. They seem to choose applicants who are passionate about the subject matter and can connect (through the essay) their interests and activities to the seminar topics. Hope that helps.

i just applied
my sat is 1540
my unweighted GPA is 3.9 and ive taken 9 AP’s including this year
hopefully i get in!

I have chosen not to apply anymore. Felt extremely unmotivated and like I wouldn’t get in. Good luck to everyone else applying!

Anybody apply and if so, what are your stats?

Good luck to all applicants !

Hi my sat exam is in march. What are my chances without a sat score.

@RFM1617 If possible, would you feel comfortable sharing your essays through PM? If not, that’s fine! Thank you!

Just applied!! This is going to be a long almost two months of suspense…

I’m applying. My ACT is 36 and my unweighted GPA is 4.0 (my school doesn’t weight). I’ve taken 7 APs including this year.

Just submitted 2 weeks ago, status: SAT 1540, 9 APs including this year.however I am worrying about my low unweighted GPA at 3.62 as I heavily involved many ECs, job & school activities during last year which drop my GPA. Volunteer 350+ hours. Keep finger crossed!

I submitted in december over winter break. My SAT score is a 1540, and a 3.6 UW GPA. I also have a job and am a leader of my Model United Nations club in my school and went to many conferences. I also mentioned my brother was an alumnus on the school. The teacher recommendation i’m sure is pretty solid and my essays were extremely well written. The only thing that would throw me off is my GPA but due to my leadership skills in a global issues club, I’m sure they are going to consider me.

what were your stats/activites?

I saw that ND requested your mid year grades and you were eventually accepted into the program. Did you know of anyone else that got that request and were they admitted?

Anyone else get a request via email for mid term grades?