Notre Dame Leadership Seminar 2020

Congratulations to you all! I’m very happy for you :slight_smile: For those of you who got in, are you an international student? I’m just wondering will they possibly be choosing Americans only this year due to COVID-19

I cant find where the applicant status, can you send the link where it is located please

never mind i found it and there is nothing there

Anyone get an email confirmation?


Nothing has changed for me either

Got an email saying I’m waitlisted

I just got an email that I’m admitted!!

Let’s just say I’m glad I opened the box of tissues

I got offered a spot on the waiting list! I can’t believe I got this far. This was confirmed via email, and I know another girl who was told via email as well, in case anyone was wondering.

I’m so sorry to hear that :frowning: Sending positive thoughts

Son wan’t accepted. Disappointed for sure over here, but it is all part of the process. Wondering if anyone who was also attended Summer Scholars. To everyone accepted: you are a part of an amazing group of applicants! Congratulations! Enjoy every minute.

Rejected :frowning:
Super sad because I was apart of UCSD COSMOS last year with a concentration in alternative energy.
I’m seriously about to cry, and I am so jealous of those who were admitted to the environmental ethics concentration.
Not sure what was the weakest part of my application- probably my letter of rec tho because two days before the deadline my teacher came down with the flu.
Welp. There’s nothing more I can do.

I was rejected. I had environment as my first choice, then global issues, and finally race. I sincerely wish those of you who were accepted a fantastic summer at ND. Go Irish!

Get rejected.
Congrats to you all!
Hope you guys can have a fantastic summer there!

Waitlisted - I wish all of you (even if you didn’t get in.) a great summer!

Got in!!!!! thanks for e’veryone!!!!!!!!!!

I was deferred from early, but I’m hoping to get good news tomorrow!

Jjwonn. Hope you get good news tomorrow! I was rejected today. I thought I had good stats, 35 ACT 3.99/4.0 gpa. Good extra curr., and a good letter of rec. oh well. I’m rooting for you that you get accepted tomorrow!

Well done to all those who got in! You’re going to have the best time

Does anyone know how many people or what percentage of those who applied are put on the wait list?