Notre Dame Leadership Seminar 2022

Awesome! Yeah I was waitlisted from NDLS for Environment. Did you spend a lot of time on your essays? And were your ECs particularly notable?

Has anyone on the waitlist head back yet?

comes out on the 29th

They released early last time so they could do the same again.

good luck everyone. I am not expecting anything today so don’t come with high hopes lmao

good luck everyone. WLed from Enviro but I am not expecting anything today so don’t come with high hopes lmao. Unfortunately this is the only summer program I applied too

I was WLed with published research (in an actual peer reviewed journal as a sole author) related to urban studies and a NPO that raised tens of thousands in the environmental sector. So future applicants, this program is probably looking for something much more than accomplishment, and it does not reflect your ability as a candidate for college admissions. This program probably cares more about recs than anything else (all past admits I talked to didn’t have particularly notable accomplishments but had amazing recommendations and relationships with their teachers). My rec was defo mediocre since the teacher was new and didn’t best know how to write them

I’ll let you guys know when im rejected

has anyone heard back yet?

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No haha but not getting my hopes up, I got other summer plans lined up

same here haha

idk why im nervous lmao

anyones gotten it yet

I still have nothing. I wonder if they are sending it to people who got accepted off of it first and making sure they confirm before rejecting the rest

yeah probably oh well frick notre dame anyways >:(
I was wondering what your guys’s stats that were waitlisted.

I asked a mentor ive known for like 4 years at this point, but still got waitlisted idrk

Guys you know what’s funny :thinking: Top 100 debaters, published researchers, and really accomplished South Asians doing great stuff in the fields they applied for got rejected from the program. The only South Asians I have heard getting in had Caucasian names. This reflects poorly on the school. Notre Dame surely does not skimp on its legacy of being racist

anyone get anything ■■■■■? seems like they forgot or sth

Maybe one of us should email​:woman_standing::woman_standing: But its also the weekend so we should probably let them enjoy their weekend lmao

Hi, Amy, I am curious about your research . Where can can find your research summary? I am a junior thinking about environmental and urban studies for college but have little exposure to actual research.

Would be doxxable :zipper_mouth_face: but honestly I would reccomend cold emailing over/before the summer. Even coursework like APES and AP Stats could help getting an internship. Look for local college professors who are publishing research related to the subject. It takes a lot of time tho, so im not sure if you can publish by application time. Did you get into NDLS yet?

Yeah, I really don’t wanna sound like I am making excuses but I am genuinely concerned with how south asians with incredible accomplishments are always glossed over by this program years past as well. I really hope this is not the same in Notre Dame University as well. Either way, it is just sad if my suspicions are true