<p>oh and in regards to math questions...what did you guys put for the one that was like, which number can be calculated? it was like (w-k), m+x+z, or someting like that. the question asked about this girl losing and gaining marbles. idk, maybe it was experimental.</p>
<p>yay!! thank god. that section was the hard one, lol. =]</p>
<p>for the one that was like
the intersection of set a and b
set a= even numbers 0-100
set b= 2 digit multiples of 7</p>
<p>was it 7?</p>
<p>So was the Equating (the one that doesn't count toward your score) section the math??!!?? The one with the hexagon section seemed more difficult than the others. Well, it doesn't change anything. Well done people.</p>
<p>what was the answer to the hexagon one? i just omitted that question.</p>
<p>What was the answer to the last free response?</p>
<p>everyone had different equating section. This thread is "generally" for those who had writing experimental. But it seems like math experimental people had some of the same questions as did we. ON the CC page, you will see "version 1" "version 2" and even "version 3"</p>
<p>"Segment tangent to circle --- area = 1/8 of circle"</p>
<p>Oooh, I am SO glad I didn't erase the answer! I was about to erase it and just leave it blank, but then time was called and I didn't have a chance. Thank you, thank you, thank you God!</p>
<p>The Math was really, really easy, but the thing is, I tried to go as fast as I can, but I ended up not finishing some of the questions at the end. Here's how mine breaks up:</p>
<p>(20 question section): Skipped one, couldn't do five (I know they were super easy and I knew I could do them, but they required more work to figure out and I had about five minutes left. I was panicking left and right, trying to finish at least one of the five problems, but the time was called and I ended up not doing any. I guess my nervousness got to the peak level where I was literally shaking. o-o). I'm confident that I got the first thirteen right though.</p>
<p>(18 question section): The sector of the circle question was number 5, right? If so, then I skipped three questions and wasn't able to finish about 3-4 SPR questions. (Again, same reason as above: T-T I knew they were do-able and easy, but I'm just slow and thus really couldn't get to do them.) Confident that I got the rest right though.</p>
<p>(16 question section): Skipped 1, couldn't do four. Confident that I got the rest right though. All of the questions that I answered were easy and doable for me.</p>
<p>Total unanswered questions for Math: 18. I knoooow the Math sections I got were really easy..which makes me wish that I was super-speedy and finished all the questions. But I guess it's better this way..I mean, what if I really did answer all the questions and lost like a bunch of points at the end? I don't know what I would've done. So I thank God for everything now.</p>
<p>Critical Reading: Eeeh...it was alright. The first long passage I got about the Mexican girl was a breeze! I'm pretty sure I nailed all the questions for that passage. But some other passages (e.g. like the Mueseum, Brain, etc.) were a bit boring and frustrating to work with. SC's were alright too; I'm so glad to read here that I got some of them right (like the placid one!). I'm glad I left the panache one blank too..I was stuck between "panache" and "iristability (?)"..and was about to choose the latter when I ultimately decided to skip it. I missed some questions because of the time, but it was better than my first time. I'm sure I'm going to do better than last time though.</p>
<p>Writing: I'm so happy that I got an extra section of this! This is my strongest section..although I did notice up there in that first post that I got two wrong! D: I don't remember getting those..I learned a lot of rules for the Writing section this time, so it was a lot easier for me than last time. The IDS, as I got toward the end, started stumping me a bit though...I wonder which one was experimental? What do you guys think?</p>
<p>Essay: Nothing special..same thing as last time. :< Intro, 1 body para, and half of second body para..I'm expecting a 10 at least?</p>
<p>Overall Opinion: I think I did pretty well. =D Last time, when my Dad came to pick me up I started crying cause I felt like I did terrible..this time was different however. I'm usually reserved when looking at the answers around here, but not so much this time. I won't look around TOO much though - I don't want to ruin my day. XD;</p>
<p>...sorry for babbling about my experiences with the SAT. Carry on. >_> <em>runs away</em></p>
<p>Oh well, guess I was incorrect with the units :/
Maybe I'll get lucky with a -1 M curve...
Can anyone else verify 2 NEs for Writing?</p>
<p>"The metaphor on woodcutting shows his writing was deep/penetrating."</p>
<p>Eh? I thought that was evident from the rest of the passage -- the new information that the sentence introduces is that Chestnutt knew his woods "so well"...</p>
<p>This is what I hate about MCQ's - some interpretations really are arguable.</p>
<p>Yes, I believe I put two straight NE for the last two Writing questions.
I think you are right about the Brain passage question. Damn I really debated that one.
Here are some more SC's:
Disprove .. Refute
Curtain - I believe because of a lack of funds
SCORN ..DEIGN (They SCORNED her because she didn't have a PhD and would not DEIGN to look at her work or something like that.
I agree - ERRONEOUS was a very easy answer for the final SC in a section. But there is no doubt that ERRONEOUS was the answer.</p>
<p>'Twas "curtail" leh. :p</p>
<p>For the last WR question, I think there is some element of debate for "by". "Were we" is technically correct but whether the diction is best in that case seems really tricky ... "by [+gerundive construction]" seemed to fit really well?</p>
<p>A good argument can be made for either indicative or subjunctive for this question, can't it? </p>
<p>Also, the other thing I hated was that question where CB required restructuring verb complements in an arguably inferior manner, apparently in order to comply with the stupid "no ending sentences with a preposition" rule.</p>
<p>which sentence are you talking about?</p>
<p>Yay!!! looks like i've got all the math and cr right so far!!!... </p>
<p>I put the 'by changing' for the last one.. something like this:
by changing (orig: were we to change) to the late date, we might not be able to fight a place to stay..</p>
<p>I hated the essay.. didn;t finish conclusion... cut off in mid sentence
(still I've already got 800 on writing, doesn't really matter)</p>
<p>...just realized i got one wrong on cr...</p>
<p>put aloofness for the panache SC</p>
<p>I put "Were we to change". By changing doesnt seem to go well with "we MIGHT HAVE". (which I'm pretty sure it was) Might have indicates subjunctive, and I think it has to be "were we to". Anyway, I think this section was experimental?</p>
<p>Vaccine ain't... Did anyone choose humorous? Ugh. I put that, but I think I was wrong. I had a brain fart and forgot that colloquial meant informal. For some reason I was thinking formal. :(</p>
<p>Also, for the museum one where it talks about all the stuff the museums are developing.. I think I said to show how it is changing from its 'purpose'. I am not sure. I don't think I chose to show its many facets.</p>