Nov 3 SAT - VERSION 1: Nature of Brain/Hexagon

<p>Does anyone remember the answer to the writing question dealing with astronaut Ellen Ochoa? Playing in stanford symphony orchestra at the same time she was earning her PhD? or something like that.</p>

<p>^ two circles with square = 20
2 points for f(x) = abs (g(x))
2z = 4z ans is 0</p>

<p>was one of the advertising questions --> answer was that advertisment companies shouldn't advertise on less popular websites?</p>

<p>Oh yeah i put E for that one..i think it was the longest revision also. Confirm?</p>

Now we have all 19!
Great job!!!</p>

<p>ya i think i tried to allude to that ad answer on the list lol, edited.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, what was the answer to the one with x/p, x/r, x/t (not an integer)...all prime numbers</p>

<p>3p = 4m or something like that
answer is 2</p>

<p>0.N and 0.M5
answer is 7</p>

<p>answer for 10 smallest and 100 sum is 64 ...5 integers</p>

<p>Echelon, I put:</p>

<p>... during the same time that she was studying for PhD.</p>

<p>the only other viable choice would be "throughout which she was" but there is no antecedent for "which"</p>

<p>Was the walt disney passage part of experimental?? I just want to confirm that.</p>

<p>Also i think that the section dealing with walt disney included one about a man who was compassionate and helpful but seemed menacing to other people.</p>

<p>I agree rb9109 --- I think that choice was E.
IHaveAHobbie: Walt Disney was probably exp.
Also, can you clarify the 3p = 4m question? I forgot it :/</p>

<p>I may sound like a freak but I remember the writing no errors as #15 and #23; does that sound familiar?</p>

<p>I put 54 for the 10, 100 problem, because they were all different so the least was 10, next 11, 12, 13, sum =46
100-46 = 54</p>

<p>it said that they were both positive integers
if p was 2 then m wouldn't be an integer.</p>

<p>Also, i think the 5 integers one that you added on the bottom is 54, not 46.
You can add 10, 11, 12, 13, and 54 and get 100.</p>

<p>Sorry i meant 54 thats what i meant. answer choices were 46, 54, 64, 90 and something else</p>

<p>hahaha that might be possible.
I personally remember having like 3 Ds in a row near the end of the second page of sentence errors...(with the last D being a comparison question? like "than rattlesnakes" instead of "than rattlesnake venom")</p>

<p>Maybe that's exp section...idk.</p>

<p>kk I remember that p/m question now, and I'm not so sure what I put for the 5 integers one now, I better have put 54 lol.</p>

<p>Can anyone confirm whether the problem with x/r, x/p, and x/t was pr^2?</p>

<p>i did not know how to do that and i put p^2... because it said that r p and t are prime numbers. we all know T can't be in the mix so that leaves p^2 and pr^2... i just happen to put p^2 through plugging numbers.</p>

<p>so it was 54?</p>

<p>also, blood pressure sc, I put increase/something, did anyone else get that?</p>

<p>I put xr^2 down.</p>

<p>ya akahmed, definitely had to be 54. the question is if i put that on the test lol.
it should be pr^2 because that guarantees divisibility when divided by r, p^2 might work, but certain cases would prevent it from doing so.</p>

<p>edit: i dont think it could be increase, since it would be "loud noise increases blood pressure regulation"</p>

<p>i put aggravated because it talked about blood pressure regulation...not blood pressure itself. But i think that's experimental because apparently all of sentence completion has been consolidated</p>

<p>yes, I put pr^2 it worked</p>