Nov essay score?

<p>Hi would anyone mind making a guess as to what my essay score range might be? </p>

<p>I think it went quite badly as timing became a bit of an issue. Here's a bit of a description:
- Prompt = should new ideas be questioned?
- 1.5 pages of well-constructed but perhaps a tad waffley text.
- Examples were scientific developments over time, linked this with accidental scientific findings (positive) as by-products of this research. And advancements of women's rights and suffrage etc - this was quite vague though.
- Final parag on Elizabeth Bennett Pride&Prejudice - questioning Darcy's character as a means of understanding him more fully. Also Austen conveying this in the narrative to help the reader begin to understand Darcy through Elizabeth's eyes.</p>

<p>Too basic?
Also I ran out of time so my conclusion was rather thin and probably not great, hopefully acceptable though?</p>

<p>Thanks all!!</p>