November 1 Deadline Requirements?

I was wondering if all documents were needed to be submitted for the November 1st scholarship deadline or if just having the application submitted was good enough. By all documents I mean my transcript, recommendations, and other stuff my school will send.

I am wondering this too…I submitted my application on the 1st (yes…last minute unfortunately). I received an email on the 2nd telling me login info. Inside the login it told me the app was created Nov. 2 and that my transcript and SAT scores were still missing. I checked again today and SATS scores were in but transcript still had a blank. Don’t counselors have to submit the transcript in the common app anyway? So I don’t really know if I got my app in on time for the scholarship consideration. If anyone could provide feedback that’d be great. The thing that is most concerning to me though is that it says on the login that it was created Nov. 2. I am guessing that is when Purdue filed the work but that they received it on the 1st. Not sure though. Hope to hear from someone!

@BinxLucky I’m facing the same problem.But Purdue’s official Twitter and Facebook accounts posted that the deadline has been extended to November 8th.
I hope we’re considered as early applicants :smiley:
[Purdue Admissions’ Tweet](

It takes them a bit to get the transcripts attached to your status. The test scores were in for my son almost immediately and the transcript info took about 5 days. I had called and they saw they were in but it took them time to update.

They extended deadline so you’ll be fine.