anyone wants to discuss about the Japanese test?</p>
<p>I think it is relatively easy, but didn't understand the last passage (about tomatoes).
Anyone remember that one?</p>
anyone wants to discuss about the Japanese test?</p>
<p>I think it is relatively easy, but didn't understand the last passage (about tomatoes).
Anyone remember that one?</p>
<p>lol yeah i took that today
i think the tomato one was talking about how he’s in the future and was looking at the tomatoes from the 22nd century… and was talking about how they were really small/only 2 colors compared to the current tomatoes. it was kind of confusing…</p>
<p>there were 2 grammar questions i wasn’t sure on… otherwise, pretty easy.</p>
that passage was so hard…
i couldnt really… understand.
<p>i already know i got two wrong.
so sad:(</p>
<p>Yea, I didn’t get the last one very well…though I didn’t catch alot of the listening either lol. It was harder than the practice questions I’ve had</p>
<p>I’m not native at all either…</p>
<p>Oh…this is obviously a stupid question…but what was the answer to the one that was kuroi — kutsu?
I was confusing myself because it seemed too easy…</p>
<p>that one was just kuroi kutsu…</p>
<p>i didn’t get the “yamada san ni ___ to komarimasu” one</p>
<p>i think that one was…
“yamada san ni irasshatemorawanai to komarimasu”
or something like that.</p>
<p>i couldnt get this one question…
where one student was gonna send an email to the teacher to cancel his piano lesson.
and one of the question said like… “where did they usually hold the lessons at?” and the choices were like… pool, at teacher’s house, at the student’s house… etc.
does anyone know??</p>
<p>ohh really? well 1 wrong so far, w/e i don’t need 800.
i pretty much bsed my way through the reading portion with my (crappy) chinese skills…</p>
<p>i think it’s at the teacher’s house… cuz he said like 来週きっと伺います or w/e
伺います -> visit?</p>
i put that.
<p>you know chinese?
that helps a lot in japanese…
cuz of kanji
kanji was my weak part.
i only know up to like… 2nd grade level.
<p>for the tomatoes portion…
for the first question… did you get like…
the author was surprised cuz tomatoes had to be refrigerated.
or something like that??</p>
<p>haha yeah i’ve actually never studied japanese in school, just online and some crappy community college class. i’m chinese, it helps, tho i don’t know how to read any of the kanji the japanese way… heh -_-</p>
<p>the first question was… they’re special cuz they have to be refrigerated? i think. and he was surprised that they only come in 2 colors… i think</p>
<p>omg - -"
first i answered the same: refrigerated, and come in 2 colors
but then something came into my mind about it being genetically modified
WHAT WAS I THINKING!! so I got that one wrong for sure</p>
<p>yeh the piano lesson one is so confusing
i saw the 泳 kanji so i answered “pool” that should be wrong too</p>
<p>but other than that, i think the grammar part was easier than in the practice test
listening was quite easy too</p>
<p>wait… i took it too–
i was also confused about the tomato one…
for the very last question (i think) two of the possible answers were
‘virtual market place’ and ‘on the internet’ or something like that.</p>
<p>does anyone remember the answer to that question???
(hope you could follow that)</p>
<p>i think its the market one</p>
<p>yay… i think i said that</p>
<p>for the piano lesson one, is it possible that the answer could have been ‘maeta’… or something like that??-- i know it started with an m… </p>
<p>scores comeout online on the 20th–get excited, or not :-I</p>
<p>haha it actually said “they haven’t been genetically modified…” xP i think.</p>
<p>huh? maeta? pool…? hha he’s gonna be missing it cuz he’s going to the swim meet</p>
<p>whoo… this is my last sat test</p>
<p>Does anyone have any curve info, even if it’s from a review book or something like that?</p>
<p>scores are uppp</p>