<p>Anyone care to discuss?</p>
<p>i thought it was easy. maybe missed the last listening question on CD b/c i wasn't paying attention to the ppl talking, lol. you?</p>
<p>I thought it was pretty hard. But then, I don't speak the language so it may be different.</p>
<p>What is the usual curve like?</p>
<p>I think I ommitted 1 question and missed about 5</p>
<p>I thought it was really easy except for like the last 5 grammar questions. I think I missed one or two grammar ones and maybe one listening, but overall, I think I did pretty well.</p>
<p>was the rain question ling, jiao or ba clothes wet?</p>
<p>^ling is the answer</p>
<p>it was freakin hard..
listening was crazy..
for the phone thing
if you press 1,2, and 6 what r u supposed to get?</p>
<p>I thought it was ba becuase you can't have
"yi fu ling yu gei ling shi le"</p>
<p>Shouldn't it be </p>
<p>"yi fu ba yu gei ling shi le"</p>
<p>the rain one,i put "jiao", "ling" doesnt make sense.
anyway im so dead this time,i missed like 8 in listening cuz my cd player problem,oh well blame me,im stupid! i just wish i can get 650 on it`~</p>
<p>ba makes sense, jiao makes no sense...</p>
<p>i was thinking between ba and ling, but in the end, i put ling...I agree that jiao makes no sense.</p>
<p>It means to call...</p>
<p>ba and ling doesnt make sense, though ba isn't the best choice.i was expecting a word like "bei"
ba and ling,in a way,it means the object caused something to the rain.
ba is better cuz that object is being wet by the rain~</p>
<p>"bei"-i was expecting that too</p>
<p>Ok, the answer is definatly "jiao"</p>
<p>there are other meanings to the word that is not "call." I am 100% sure about this question.</p>
<p>the sentence was something like : "wo de yi fu jiao yu lin shi le."</p>
<p>"bei" would have been the best answer, but the other 2 (ba and ling) make no sense whatsoever.</p>
<p>That's quite irritating, though. I've heard "jiao" used like that I think only a few times, and I still was never quite sure what that meant. Bad question. There goes 2 questions for me. I think for the one that said "the things he said made me angry", I did not really know what "shi" meant, and I was wavering between "shi" and "gen", and decided to put down "gen" instead. Whatever.</p>
<p>Was the answer to the one like "he has been moody lately ___ he doesn't really talk/notice other people" "wu run"? I was wavering between "wu run" and "zhong shi", and "zhong shi" didn't really make much sense.</p>
<p>I put "bu guan"</p>
<p>^ Do you remember what the sentence was in chinese? I remember the question, but I don't remember what answer choice I selected...</p>
<p>mr. bu i put wuran</p>
<p>for the moody one, it's definitely "zong shi." trust me, i'm a native speaker ;)
because it's like "he's been moody lately, so he ___ doesn't talk to people."
and zong shi means always or constantly.</p>
<p>to the people who say "ba" for the rain one, that's DEFINITELY not it. (sorry =() because "ba" would mean his clothes made the rain wet. it's either "jiao" or "ling." i personally put "jiao."</p>
<p>Desperatechaos, I'm a native speaker too, and I think 无论 is the right answer. 总是 means "always is", and 无论 means "no matter what".</p>
<p>"He's been moody lately, so he always is not talk to other people."
"He's been moody lately, so he doesn't talk to others no matter what."</p>
<p>The second one makes so much more sense and is grammatically correct. If the answer choice said only "总" and not "总是", I would buy that answer, but "是" is a to-be verb, and "不理人" is a verb predicate, so I honestly don't think it makes sense. But I don't know, since Chinese grammar is so loose, it could honestly roll either way.</p>