so howd you guys do? i omitted 5 bc i didnt have enough time ; the test was so much harder than in barrons or any other books!! ughhh all that studying for nothing!!!
test was really hard no? think curve will be more generous?
anyone remember questions or stuff? i remember something with interquantile or something i had no idea what the word was !!! and then there were this f(x) g(x) questions i think it was: </p>
<p>f(x) = g(x+1) if g(2) what is f(x) ? i wrote 2...</p>
<p>Its ok calm down:). For the box and whisker plot the answer was I and III. The interquartioe range was 14 or q3-q1, and the median was 46, which is the line in the box. I put g(3) for the answer. I think that question was asking like if f(x)=G(x+2)
what is F(1) equal?The answer for that was G(3).</p>
<p>I also thought that it was WAY harder than what I had prepared myself for. Do you think my 99% average in AP calculus will make up for a bad Math I score?</p>
<p>Craaap i just put I only! Noo that wasnt the question otherwise i woulve been able to solve it lol
the last question there were answer choices 2,4.25,4.5,7.75 and 8 . It was 4,25 no? I just quickly filled sumtin in - no time… I hope i didnt kill My yale chances with my crappy math 1! Im excpecting sumwhere between 600-700… I hoooope 700 but i mightve made stupid calculatimg mistakes…
-rectangle 3x8 if you roll it -> cylinder wut is volume? I put 24pi…</p>
<p>@2011ivy I feel exactly the same way! I am also aiming for yale, but all of my SAT scores so far have not been good enough. And it doesn’t help that I’m from Canada. I will be happy if i got over a 650 on Math I today.</p>
<p>The last question was easy; It gave you a chart and you find the what vaule corresponds to f(4)+3=10, thus F(8)=10</p>
<p>Wtttffff that was not the answer i got., i put either 4,25 or 4,75 i think</p>
<p>@whitney: me tooo!!!
im also international, i wonder if they look at that 650 and think like oh shes not smart enough… Bc so many kids get like 800 on everythinv…:(</p>