November Gratitude Thread

One more gift link, and it’s a good one.

Ditto! :slight_smile:

I’m also very thankful for my wonderful colleagues and the work they do. Way to go, team!


I posted this to my friends on Facebook:

I have so much to be grateful for!

  1. I just attended the! I can’t imagine better. And I was with so many of those near and dear to me, family and friends. Just amazing!

  2. I tested negative for Covid yesterday. Yay! No masks for me, at least for a while. And I am not wheezing! Nothing a puff of Albuterol won’t take care of.

  3. As long as I take my (generic) Advil every six hours and (generic) Tylenol Arthritis every 8 hours, I can function. And it’s 10000000000 times better than it was in July and August!

  4. Although I am alone for Thanksgiving, I will enjoy my hot plate from the steam table at the closest supermarket to my apartment, and, hopefully, video chatting of some kind with my family and closest friends.

  5. Yeah, yeah, yeah, what a drag it is getting old, but I live in a wonderful apartment with lots of heat and light and an elevator, and I have amazing healthcare.

  6. I love my work and I am so looking forward to getting back to my clients and catching up with them after several weeks awIay.

  7. I have so much great stuff to stream on my wonderful newish computer that I could easily afford and I can print anything I want on my new printer after my HP 8600 finally bit the dust after something like 10 years of service. Whoever thought a printer would last so long?

I could go on, but I want to post my gratitude and then go outside and get my Thanksgiving meal! Love to all this cold and sunny Thanksgiving day!



My turkey was a turkey this year (first time in 20 years that happened). But everything worked out just fine - SIL smoked a couple chickens, we had a great time together, and it’s a wrap on a happy day.



Grateful that November was time for all my kids and grandkids to be together for Thanksgiving. It was wonderful!


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