November Gratitude Thread

We did this thread last year and it was very nice. Time to reflect in the busyness and sometimes hard times of life to be grateful for something on a daily basis - something as small as making a baby smile or as big as family help for a project.

You’re encouraged to post as many days as you like.

Let the gratitude spread!! :turkey: :blush:


I’m grateful for the life I have and the people in it.

Today, I’m looking forward to going out to lunch with some of my stitching group. I know we’ll have a good time, and I’m grateful to be able to enjoy such small luxuries.


I’m grateful for my husband, kids, extended family members & friends. And I am especially grateful that I have the privilege of spending quality time with my GD on a weekly basis. Watching her learn and grow fills my heart in a way I did not know was possible.

I’m grateful that I have a comfortable life.

I’m thankful that the biggest disappointments in my life really are trivial in the scheme of things.

I’m grateful that the people in my life’s path who are currently facing tragedies are being lifted up by their communities.

The big stuff is out of the way. I’ll think of little things as the month progresses!


This morning I was grateful for remote start! Brrrr! And to defrost the windows from the first snow.


I am grateful to have made it to another birthday! :birthday:
Today am 12 years older than my DH got to be.


Glass half full. :heart: Happy birthday!!! :birthday:


I am grateful this year to have made a successful move to our “retirement” apartment. As always, I am grateful for my wonderful husband and daughter.


I am grateful for my friends, both on-line and IRL. I’m also grateful that I can still afford to go out with them fairly regularly (although I admit I think more about cost than I used to).


Today I was grateful for the wind. Sunday we raked the leaves and shortly thereafter many more had fallen. The tree was almost bare! Today the wind blew them all away!!!


I am grateful beyond measure to all the people on the CCParents Caring for Parents thread. When my dad was in hospice, when my mom is being 90, the advice and compassion and good humor has kept me sane.


I am thankful for the meds that are keeping my son stable. He had an injection today that will last six months! The sticker price was $26,289.66, so I’m thankful for Medicaid, which paid it all.


I’m grateful for lovely weather today which allowed a November round of golf with three friends.


I’m grateful for this thread…too much unhappy news in the world.

I’m grateful that I got to see my sister and her family this past weekend…while also doing my best-ever job carving a pumpkin. (Not so impressive for many folks, but I am not a great carver.)

I’m grateful that the saltwater wedge is receding down the Mississippi River so that it will not be affecting a major metro’s water supply (and pipes).

I’m grateful for every hug and kiss I get, especially from DC.


I am grateful that 11/1 was yesterday, and that it passed without incident and was very much not “a thing” for our kids because they’d hit Send some days prior :slight_smile:


Grateful today for my Thursday morning walking group. We’ve done this since our youngest graduated HS in 2010. And walking on SF Bay, near Golden Gate always a treat. Today, they gave me the “Becoming Grandma” book, in honor of my soon to be first grandchild. Blessed!


I am grateful for my excellent health, and the (mostly) excellent health of my family.


I’m grateful for my SIL, who has to do the heavy work for H’s mom. It hasn’t been easy for her, but she is handling it.


I’m grateful for my friends and family, especially with my daughter’s wedding coming up next week to marry her totally amazing fiance. I am also grateful that I have three 10mg Prednisone pills left to give myself a boost so I don’t have to wear an ugly brace on my hand or pee in a bucket at the airbnb I rented for myself, bff, Israeli friends, and two of our mutual friends they are driving from NC to attend. It’s all good, especially because tomorrow is my last day of work. Seven more clients and I am on vacation!


I am grateful for my friendships - the ancient and the recent - who share in my delights and dismays. I am blessed.


I’m grateful that my 96 year old MIL played 3 games of dice & one game of Scrabble today. H is thankful that the Scrabble game is over (he’s not a fan of the game!).