November Gratitude Thread

Grateful for the docs and treatments that are really helping my husband and thankful that I live in a place with cutting edge treatments.


Over the past four years, I have had many occasions to be thankful that I am no longer employed. This week, however, things that have transpired where I used to work have made me especially grateful to be able to have said farewell to that job.


So much to be grateful for. The perfect weekend. Visited younger H and GF. They currently live with her mom/SO so we stayed there while they stayed with GFā€™s S. Older S and GF also flew in and stayed with the other ā€œkids.ā€ Has a fabulous weekend with all and also some of their long time family friends. So much love everywhere. Iā€™m so grateful younger S is in this environment. There are good people everywhere.

As a bonus, we went to my/H/SOā€™s alma mater football game. Iā€™ve never been on the visiting team before. And we won! Super grateful for that. Definitely not a given this season. And all the home fans were nice! We got some great family and group photos, but is the one Iā€™ll share for yā€™all.

P.S. Boston college is really nice! And also weird that I ran here in 96 and ā€˜00 for the marathon. Never did I think Iā€™d be back with a kid living here!


Grateful after 3 months to have handed over the keys to our old house and to be DONE going between the 2 houses, old and new !!


I love this thread, makes me think more on the blessings in my life.

Two I thought of today, not the obvious everything really in my lifeā€¦

  1. Super grateful to have found an awesome auto mechanic shop in new town. Ford with 240000 miles on it had some issue that the ford service center in old home, ford service center in new home, and 4 tried by this mechanic and Problem SOLVED. They also wrote off 6 hours of diagnostic work because they found nothing wrong (then, but they jiggled something enough to find it the next week).
  2. My once a month housekeeper is really thorough, helpful and nice. And trustworthy enough that I can give her the door code so she can come clean while I am on vacation and sheā€™ll water the plants.
    I am grateful for these helpers.

I got back from a short trip with my college friends. We hadnā€™t see each other all at the same time for ten years (though an October 2020 trip was planned, prior to Covid hitting), but we picked right back up where we left off. It was absolutely wonderful and I am so grateful to have those people in my life.


A few weeks ago I had a flight diverted coincidentally to a city where my son lives. I got to surprise him and share a great meal.

While I am thankful for the randomness of the opportunity to see him, I am grateful to have such a special relationship that just thinking about it still makes me smile. My kids and wife are awesome!


I am very grateful for all custodians of public restrooms. What a (literally) crappy job! I have to stop at Sheetz most mornings during my runs, and they are just awful. How people can leave a stall like that (paper and trash everywhere, among other things) Iā€™ll never know. And the people taking care of it arenā€™t making much money for sure.

So this morning, the employee was cleaning and I told her just how much I appreciated what she did for us, and I understood how nasty it could be in there. She seemed to appreciate the appreciation.


I remember the first time I was abroad and needed to find a restroom and there was a small fee. At first I was taken aback but it was so clean(!)ā€¦and sometimes when you have to go, it doesnā€™t matter! lol.

Later, when I thought about it, I could understand the reasoning. Now I actually donā€™t mind itā€¦especially in high traffic tourist locations.


The first friend I made in 9th grade after we moved. The first mom friend I made in my neighborhood after my first child was born. The woman I taught Sunday School with from the time our daughters were 3 until she moved when they were in 3rd grade. The hilarious actor who kept me laughing and treated my D so well when she was a young actress in community theater. My older brother and my youngest brother. None of these friends/family were blessed to spend as many days on this earth as I have. Every day is a day for which I am thankful.


Very grateful to the kidsā€™ orthodontist. Younger Sā€™ permanent retainer broke on the way home from the airport very late Friday night. Called this morning, they were all booked up, but they later called him back and squeezed him in to fix it.

So not only am I grateful to him, Iā€™m grateful to the Gods that it broke HERE (he hasnā€™t been home in over 4 months and probably wonā€™t be for at least that many more) and not in new city, where heā€™d be scrambling to find someone. And also grateful that we have a spare vehicle so he could drive himself there when they said come ASAP.


Extremely grateful that our son has been stable for over ten months now. And that he did great at our cabin this weekend. Since thatā€™s where we were when I had to call 911 for him last year, I was nervous about it. He had a wonderful time and we told him we were proud of him for going.


Grateful my college kids are home for Thanksgiving.


Iā€™m grateful for:

  • my spouse (itā€™s our anniversary)
  • paid time off (coming soon)
  • a dog who likes to snuggle by my side
  • my mom and her willingness to cook dinner for us on a weekday night after I had a long day at work
  • my grandmother whoā€™s still alive (at 100) and mentally sharp
  • the fact that we live close enough to my mom and grandmother that we can get together at least weekly for a meal and cards
  • DC making friends at church

Iā€™m grateful for:
Having my folks live long and mostly healthy and happy lives, until they left this world;
Being pretty healthy with a great husband that is pretty healthy and two kids that are pretty happy;
Living near all six siblings that are in pretty good health;
Having enough of what we need and much of what we want;
Having a comfortable home and reliable transportation;
Having good relationships with all my BIL, my sibs and their spouses and our kids and DIL;
Having a great medical and dental team and insurance coverage to pay for our medical needs; and
Having good, reliable friends.

I know I am extremely fortunate.


Today Iā€™m thankful that 5 y/o grandson will spend time with his 93 y/o great GF.
And that the Airbnb will live up to the expectation that we can fit 19 for the Thanksgiving feast.


Iā€™m grateful that recent drenching rains have allowed the forest fire in VA to be containable.


Iā€™m grateful for my healthy, sharp 96 year old Dad. So glad that he was willing to give the ipad/Facetime another try todayā€¦ he initiated. Shout out to Apple for adding Live Captions feature.


Iā€™m grateful itā€™s not this time last year when my dad had just had a port inserted prior to starting chemo and my mom fell and broke her kneecap and had to recover with us for two months just as I was getting ready to have my left hip replaced. We were in such sad shape around this time last year. This year, my dad is cancer free, my mom is fully recovered and hosting Thanksgiving at her house, Iā€™m pain free (and danced my heart out at our sonā€™s wedding), and all is well in our world. Each of us has a lot to be thankful for.


Happy thanksgiving! Iā€™m very grateful to be part of this wonderful community!