I put New York and Buffalo for the Erie Canal because I remember it was in New York and it connected the East and West.
For sears I think I put E which was something about metropolitan.
The WWII I just guessed US foreign diplomacy because I had no idea what the essay was but the rest was diplomacy.
I skipped the Jefferson and Hamilton question, had no idea on that one.</p>
<p>For Jefferson & Hamilton I remember 3/4 of the choices.
- Urban growth
- Development of factory system
- ?
- Something about the elite.</p>
I also put for the Sears one that the department stores answer was wrong. I think it was (E).</p>
<p>Native americans - I remember I was deciding between dependence and something else… Maybe it was moving west to escape encroachment?</p>
I remember putting US war diplomacy as the answer for one of the questions…</p>
<p>I also put Diplomacy for that one. I had no idea what the essays/papers was about.</p>
<p>What did you all put for the steamboat question?</p>
<p>Ah I remember the third option now. It was wanting Britain as an ally.</p>
<p>Hamilton was for urban and industrial growth, Jefferson wanted an agricultural economy.
Hamilton was for the factory system, Jefferson wanted yeoman farmers.
Hamilton liked the British, Jefferson liked the French.</p>
<p>Both Hamilton and Jefferson stressed for the intellectual elite to run the government though. (The difference was that Hamilton preferred the wealthy while Jefferson had no preference.)</p>
<p>For the steamboat question, I think I put that fares were cheaper?</p>
<p>For the q asking for similarity between Jefferson and Hamilton
I put good-natured people or smthng like that…</p>
<p>Another q: What did you put for the second question which asked the difference
between colonists and native Americans in New England, I was between concept
of property and intense spirituality (intense spirituality is so vague a term!!)</p>
<p>Also another one… what did you put for the EXCEPT question of political machines?
I dont even remember the answers…lol and I spent like 5 mins on that question</p>
<p>Oh, and a really hard one about this weird passage on India, Africa, Alaska blah blah
and the choices were New England primer, Poor Richard’s Almanack, missionaries,
manifest destiny and something else?? waht did u put??</p>
I also put cheaper fares.</p>
I think I put something about established governments/societies or villages… something like that…</p>
<p>I thought the weird passage had to go with missionaries as the last line (something about fixing the wrongs of Indians etc) seemed to refer to purifying them/ridding them of their sins.</p>
<p>The political machines q was weird…</p>
<p>I think I put that the wrong one was that they were decentralized for political machines.</p>
<p>As for the native american one, I put intense spirituality.
And the alaska india one, I guessed and put Poor Richard’s Almanack. And now that I think back on it, that was a stupid guess… -_- Alaska wasn’t even a state yet…/feels dumb</p>
Don’t worry. I felt like such an idiot after the exam. I realized how little I know of american history haha. :P</p>
<p>I took US History for a whole year, I feel like I should’ve done better. xD Oh well, that’s what I get for not reviewing.</p>
I took US History for a year as well (but we only got up to the Progressive era) so I barely know anything about domestic affairs after that. My class only just started learning about the Great Depression.</p>
<p>My school does block schedule so I pretty much took two full classes on US History and we eventually got to the 1990s. D: (took it last year)</p>
<p>I zoomed through that test, very easy although a few questions were ambiguous and strange (like AP US).</p>
<p>I put inherently good nature of man for Hamilton-Jefferson (Hamilton believed in an aristocracy, monarchy etc while Jefferson was fairly egalitarian).</p>
<p>Sears-Roebuck: I think I settled on mass market advertising companies being the exception.</p>
I think your guess on Richards Poor Almanack is not stupid
Firstly I also chose that one for the answer lol…
secondly I think Alaska was already known by Russian explorers
even though Alaska was not a state, or did the passage explicitly
mention Alaska as a state??</p>
<p>What was it for the Truman Fair Deal EXCEPT question? Minimum Wage, National Health Care…</p>
<p>These are my answers:
- Indentured servants for the question about tobacco cultivation in Virginina before 1650
- Kentucky didnt secede from the Union because I remember Lincoln said that “I hope to have God on my side, but I must have Kentucky”
- The answer about Taft for Dollar Diplomacy
- Cuba for the question relating to “Bay of Pigs”(this question in SAT 2 study guide asks also about Bay of Pigs but it asks "Who is related to Bay of Pigs?, and Im sure u know who he is)
- The Louisiana Purchase for “strict constructionist”, I’m not sure, maybe I’m wrong
- The Nebraska-Kansas Compromise repealed The Missouri Compromise
- Abolition for the District of Columbia is not stated in “The land ordinance 1850”???
- The question about “Trail of Tears”, I dont know the exact answer but it must have “Oklahoma”
- Difference between Native Americans and British is “common property right”
- The way Native Americans use to avoid war with Britain is buying British goods or something like that
- The question about the picture “Yes, certainly sir”, I think it must relate to “the absolute agreement”???
- Betty Freidan is related to what???, it is women suffrage?
- Does anyone choose “Elizabeth Cady Stanton” for the question about the quote???
- How about the question about “I want to buy an American car”?
- It is Charleston and Charlotte?, because I remember that it is the success of Northeast and Midwest right?, so it mustn Buffalo and New York, it must have 2 states in 2 different area?
I’m an international student and this is the first time I take US His, so excited and overwhelmed as well :)</p>
<p>Cuba was right.
Louisiana Purchase wasn’t, because it’s not explicitly stated in the Constitution, which is why Jefferson lost some credibility when he bought it.
The Truman question, the exception was nationalization of basic industries.
The Yes, Certainly picture was about FDR’s attempt to monopolize the Supreme Court to his favor. He tried to get a new judge added to the Supreme Court so his bills wouldn’t keep getting ruled unconstitutional.
Betty Freidan was indeed woman’s suffrage.
The question about the quote about sacrificing life for justice was definitely John Brown.</p>
<p>The room I was in was a US History classroom, and there were notes on dollar diplomacy still on the board XD According to the notes, the best example was Taft with Nicaragua…</p>
<p>@starchywinky: how about other answers?, what do u think?, how did u work on the last US history?</p>