8. Wasn’t the trail of tears related to the Cherokees?
5. starchy is right, Louisiana Purchase isn’t the right answer for 'strict constructionist."
12. Betty Freidan was a feminist.
14. I answered that it demonstrated that it had become increasingly difficult to define an “american car”
13. I, like starchy, put John Brown</p>
Lucky!! :P</p>
<p>Cherokees - Trail of Tears - Jackson</p>
<p>For the strict constructionist, I put Jackson’s veto because I think that that is a power clearly defined in the Constitution…</p>
<p>Is anyone considering cancelling their scores?</p>
<p>@cricket123: yep, the question about Cherokees
I just look back to US His Direct Hits and the question about Erie Canal is New York and Buffalo :(</p>
<p>anybody, plz dont kill this topic!!!</p>
I don’t know the answers to your other questions but I’m bumping up this thread in the hopes that someone will see this thread and help you. :)</p>
<p>Not just about my answers anyway. How about your own answers?. Do u remember anything else?.</p>
<p>I am taking it next month. How would you recommend I study?</p>
What book are you using?
I would review/read a chapter/section every day and take a practice test every weekend.
You can also find free practice tests online at sparknotes.com.
I also recommend you review your test results, paying special attention to what you got wrong.</p>
<p>That’s what I should have done…</p>
I don’t really remember any other questions I had. I wrote some down. If I find that paper I will definitely ask them.</p>
<li>Indentured servants for the question about tobacco cultivation in Virginina before 1650
I put this also.
<li>Kentucky didnt secede from the Union because I remember Lincoln said that “I hope to have God on my side, but I must have Kentucky”
This is definitely correct.</li>
<li>The answer about Taft for Dollar Diplomacy
Definitely correct.</li>
<li>Cuba for the question relating to “Bay of Pigs”(this question in SAT 2 study guide asks also about Bay of Pigs but it asks "Who is related to Bay of Pigs?, and Im sure u know who he is)
Definitely correct.</li>
<li>The Louisiana Purchase for “strict constructionist”, I’m not sure, maybe I’m wrong
Wrong, should be Jackson’s veto.</li>
<li>The Nebraska-Kansas Compromise repealed The Missouri Compromise
<li>Abolition for the District of Columbia is not stated in “The land ordinance 1850”???
Not sure, but I think so.</li>
<li>The question about “Trail of Tears”, I dont know the exact answer but it must have “Oklahoma”
I don’t remember that question.</li>
<li>Difference between Native Americans and British is “common property right”
I put intense spirituality, but I don’t really know.</li>
<li>The way Native Americans use to avoid war with Britain is buying British goods or something like that
I think the question was different than that…but pretty sure buying british goods was the answer.</li>
<li>The question about the picture “Yes, certainly sir”, I think it must relate to “the absolute agreement”???
No, it was relating to FDR’s attempt to monopolize the Supreme Court by adding another justice that would pass his programs.</li>
<li>Betty Freidan is related to what???, it is women suffrage?
<li>Does anyone choose “Elizabeth Cady Stanton” for the question about the quote???
No, John Brown was the guy.</li>
<li>How about the question about “I want to buy an American car”?
I think I got this one wrong, I put that they weren’t made in America anymore, but it was probably couldn’t distinguish american cars anymore.</li>
<li>It is Charleston and Charlotte?, because I remember that it is the success of Northeast and Midwest right?, so it mustn Buffalo and New York, it must have 2 states in 2 different area?
No, it was Buffalo and New York, I think.</li>
<p>And as for the Jefferson-Hamilton question, I’m sure it was asking for which of the choices were they similar! So I stand by my answer. :'D</p>
<p>I’ll be taking this in June and I’m hoping for an 800 so I was wondering if you guys/girls who just took it had any advice of good books (I know AMSCO and Direct Hits are good for the AP test but the SAT II is more fact based) that they used or areas you wished you studied more? Thanks!</p>
I strongly recommend you stick with AMSCO. That book covered like 85 questions that came up in the exam. The rest 5 questions are… seriously unanswerable… I mean you’re supposed to know about random portraits, drawings and quotes, which do not come in any book. But considering that you can still get an 800 even when you miss 5 questions, I strongly recommend AMSCO. It covers every single petty details of US History</p>
ok, I just remember one more question, the question about “Hudson school” which talks about “American landscapes in Romanticism trend” or something like that, right?</p>
<p>These are my other answers that I have just remembered:
- The Jungle(with the quote which has “rats”)
- Anne Hutchingson
- Common sense which leads to American Revolution
- Rice was the most important crop in South Carolina
- The gospel of wealth: Church and state must have responsibility for improving the society. I know this is wrong. It must be the Social Gospel :(</p>
Hudson Rvier School was an art movement.</p>
<p>@cricket123: yep, I chose it also because I said “or something like that”, but its definitely Romanticism art trend :)</p>
<p>When do scores for sat subject tests come out?</p>
November 22nd I believe.</p>
<p>@cricket123: what do u think about ur us his test?</p>
Do you mean how I felt about the test?
I’m not sure.
I counted when taking it, and I know I definitely got at least 40 (or was it 50?) questions right. After looking over answers people in this thread mentioned, I also know I had 10 more right and 12 wrong.
I’m uncertain about my performance on the rest of the questions.
Also, this was my first time taking it so I’m not sure how I’m suppsoed to feel about it… you know?</p>