<li>internship at a real estate company (for the first two weeks after school ended)</li>
<li>SAT prep (done 10 (2hr) sessions)</li>
<li>History tutor (3 times (2hr) a week)</li>
<li>Math tutor (2 times (1hr) a week)</li>
<li>finished school work + reading (around 1000 pages including ones i need to for my AP courses)</li>
<li>Family vacation in Kenya</li>
<li>A trip to South Africa with classmates</li>
<p>It had been really productive for me, my most productive summer yet, but then junior year is coming up for me so yeah. Though i found that if you get your stuff done efficiently which I finally started trying to, you end up being totally free from 3 o’clock onwards. I do my tutoring/SAT/school work in the morning or early afternoon. i wake up at 9 though (i dont sleep-in till 11 or anything like that). the rest of time is hang and chill :)</p>