NROTC at UCLA vs USMMA (US Merchant Marine Academy)

<p>Essential Questions:
I've been accepted to UCLA and the USMMA Prep School, NMMI in New Mexico and I hope to soon be accepted to NROTC at UCLA. I'm curious as to what you all think about which route I should take? Also, would it be advisable to go to UCLA this coming year and reapply to USMMA so that I could cross out the prep school opportunity? I realize not accepting the prep school opportunity now would be quite a gamble... decision isn't easy. Will NROTC at UCLA ultimately offer me parallel opportunities? If I am not accepted for an NROTC scholarship, should I go to NMMI or UCLA and reapply for USMMA? </p>

<p>Other Question:
What do you think my chances are for getting the scholarship? I'm in UCLA for College of Letters and Sciences Social Sciences Undeclared. GPA: 4.3, test scores: suck (average)... but got into UCLA so I assume the rest of my application worked well. Community service: about 700 hours with a great deal of leadership. Internship at SPAWAR (Naval contracting company) and Mayor at California Boys' State.</p>

<p>Opportunities for Future:
I hope to become a Naval Pilot and be in the Navy for 20 years only to retire in order to run for a political office such as Mayor or Congressman. However, I am open to becoming a Merchant Mariner and not take the opportunity at Kings Point to switch to Navy.</p>

<p>Personal Opinion:
I currently live in San Diego so the easiest transition would be going to UCLA however I feel that going to USMMA will truly offer me every opportunity I need in order to accomplish my military aspirations. They are both amazing schools; the UCLA name its self is motivation to attend and the fact that USMMA is a service academy is huge. If I get an NROTC scholarship, both schools will be paid for, only MMA will be all military and UCLA will be more civilian.