<p>Hello, I received an NROTC scholarship to study nuclear engineering. I completed the DoDMERB physical and they requested medical records beyond age 10 due to my indicating asthma/wheezing on the medical history. </p>
<p>I am physically fit and have no issues related to asthma. My only asthma episodes have been related to sporadic (once or twice a year) bronchitus or URIs which require both inhaler/possibly steroids and antibiodics to get rid of the bronchitus/URIs. I do not use an inhaler nor steroids at all except with antibiodics to clear up bronchitus.</p>
<p>I am concerned that I will be unable to get a medical waiver since I have visited the doctor for asthma related to the bronchitus/URIs PAST age 12. I heard that childhood asthma is waiverable as long as the asthma didn't extend past age 12. Again, I can physically perform and have no breathing/asthma that isn't directly related to an illness such as bronchitus or URIs. </p>
<p>It would be great if someone from NROTC or DoDMERB could respond with help on obtaining a medical waiver?</p>
<p>Asthma is tricky because each case is different. Lots of kids get waivers, lots do not.
Luigi is right - contact Larry Mullen by email and he will get back to you and explain your situation and what you can do.</p>
<p>Larry Mullen
Deputy Director, Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board (DoDMERB)
8034 Edgerton Drive, Suite 132
USAFA, CO 80840-2200
PREFERRED METHOD OF CONTACT IS EMAIL 24/7/365 = **<a href=“mailto:Larry.Mullen@dodmerb.tma.osd.mil”>Larry.Mullen@dodmerb.tma.osd.mil</a> **</p>