NSE (National Student Exchange) for Arch Majors - Possible?

<p>If anyone knows anything about the National Student Exchange program as it applies to arch majors, I'd really appreciate any help with the subject - thanks!</p>

<p>What I'm wondering is if it's possible for arch majors to do this program - which is, for people who haven't heard of it, a program that allows students to go to another college or university in the U.S. for a semester or year, whichever, basically like studying abroad but staying in the U.S. and getting a whole new experience.</p>

<p>What I'm concerned about is that, since architecture is such a strict program in regards to courses and whatnot, the credits may not transfer easily or doing this program may end up hurting me more than helping. What I mean by hurting more than helping is that, if I don't have the professors/educators/experiences that my campus and college of architecture has to offer its students, I'll be at a disadvantage when I have to do juries in front of these people, or when I'm reviewed by them, or when I need recommendations or if I apply for third and fourth year scholarships, even applying to the master's program, or getting help with finding an internship.....things like that.</p>

<p>Also, colleges of architecture seem to all like doing things "their own way" and have certain methods of teaching that they prefer, or have specific aspects of architecture that they emphasize in their students' education, ooor very particular expectations of their students....all of which can hugely vary from school to school.</p>

<p>So......is this going to be more hassle than reward?! If it's even possible. I figured it would be a really good experience to have that would set me apart from other students/graduates, which is why I want to do it so bad - and I'm at a school which is 40 minutes away from my hometown so it'd be nice to get a different view of the U.S.</p>