<p>Did anyone else receive an email ltoday regarding this scholarship? Are all NSHSS members considered "semifinalists?" I was wondering how this works. Thanks! :)</p>
<p>What is NSHSS?</p>
<p>Uh, sorry: National Society of High School Scholars. I should have mentioned that. :/</p>
<p>No I did not recive that email. wish I had though. Lucky…</p>
<p>Maybe you haven’t received it yet. I’m sure everyone in the society is a semifinalist. Right?</p>
<p>I don’t think so because the only people that could get it have to be in the Society.</p>
<p>Nope, Im in NSHSS and didnt.
Congrats though!</p>
<p>Did you do the scholarship form? Ugh…I just turned it in yesterday.</p>
<p>from the website:</p>
<p>" A minimum of 100 semi-finalists will be considered for each scholarship. Selection is based on the following criteria:</p>
<p>Academic performance
Demonstrated leadership
School and extracurricular activities and awards
Community service</p>
<p>Semi-finalists are notified by mail and requested to submit an essay, photo, transcript, and school recommendation forms provided by the Society. The scholarship committee bases its final decision on the strength of the student’s application and on the strength of the educator’s recommendations. All scholarships are cash awards which can be used for educational purposes at any college of the recipient’s choice. Scholarship checks will be made out to the university designated by the student, contingent on proof of enrollment."</p>
<p>Hey ATLs09, that was quite helpful!</p>
<p>I didn’t complete the scholarship form…but I’ll have to work on that later. It’s just strange because I don’t remeber submitting anything…</p>
<p>But thanks. :)</p>
<p>There is an online form that was due in November. From that they select the semifinalists. When my son won a scholarship, the semi notification was by regular mail not email and contained the instructions to complete the application that included essays, transcript and recs.</p>
<p>Yes, apparently I’ll receive the information in the mail soon.</p>
<p>Thanks for your help, everyone! :)</p>
<p>this is kind of random, but i havent seen anyother “NSHSS” posts. Did you guys include NSHSS in your app process? for some reason when I joined, I thought it included recs and other things…</p>
<p>S did not include the membership on his apps as it is not significant. But he did include winning the national scholarship from that organization.</p>
<p>I had it on my resume…</p>
<p>I put is on my stuff because it is an accomplishment like NHS.</p>
<p>^^^Very true. :)</p>
<p>“minimum of 100 semi-finalists will be considered for each scholarship”</p>
<p>Does this mean that 10 x 100 students will be considered for the 10 nobel scholarships or only 100? I was wondering the same thing because I got the email notification yesterday also.</p>