NSLI-Y Academic Year 2019 - 2020

i live in maryland and haven’t received anything

Same here, I’m in NC .


Any other Russian semi finalists here??

Are you going to email the NSLI-Y admin and ask about status?

does anyone know any instances where someone got a semi finalist acceptance letter later on?

Anyone a semi for Arabic Summer?? Just got my email :)))))

did you get it JUST now? @Addison15

Im a semifinalist for Russia Summer/Year! If anyone starts a group chat or anything please let me know!

Are there any group chats that aren’t on Facebook? I don’t have one!

still haven’t gotten an email I’m in jersey :confused: should I just assume I’m rejected?

@katcatkat same here!

@happyrunnergirl don’t assume anything until you receive an email, good luck!

Me neither. I’ve decided not to assume anything, and just keep reloading my email. ? Edit: I’m in Maryland, and applied to Chinese AY

DS is a sf for Russian summer. He is so excited!!

Good luck to everyone!


I got it at 5;01

Just got the email. Rejected?

Got a rejection email at 5:35 pm. (ouch) Good luck to all and congrats to everyone who is a semifinalist!

Did your emails say a specific program or just semi-finalist?