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Totally agree as my daughter is home from USC. My son would only do Canada. Just wonder if they will take that off the table before he signs up. It looks like they have already decided to keep the college closed so then he would get Boston?

@Mopep I would not hesitate to reach out to the NUin program directly by email. That said my guess is they will say we are watching that situation and it could change. Is that the only program that accommodates CS? If it is that is different than if another location offers CS. The only way Boston will be available currently is if all CS sites were closed. What a crazy situation these colleges are in. Good luck!

@Mopep If McGill is closed and teaching remotely in the fall Iā€™m pretty sure that all US colleges will be in the same situation. They are just planning for all possible scenarios.

BTW McGill has Fall and Winter Semesters. There is no ā€œSpringā€ semester since calling it such in January would be odd in a Montreal winter.

@TomSrOfBoston @Mopep

I agree with @TomSrOfBoston if McGill is online this fall so will American colleges. I wonder if NUin students would then take classes online from McGill? It has a great reputation. Hopefully the new Abbott 5 min Covid test will make things better by fall so everyone is on campus, but I am curious if you could still then take them online from McGill then. Assuming that was the program selected.

Are there any news on NUin students who are Boston bound for their Fall semester and whether they could do NUFlex or NUStart and if this is the case, would they still have to pay for housing? We are unable to reach them.

This is from the FAQs about NUStart on the website. ā€œNU Start is a program for first year students enrolling in the fall or through the NUin Program who will not be able to travel to campus for the fall semester and will complete their first semester remotely. The program is designed to connect students from across the globe to Northeasternā€™s first-year experience.ā€œ

So the answer is they could do NUStart remotely and would not have to pay for housing. I am not sure about NU Flex. There is a Facebook group you can join for NUin Boston parents and you can follow Northeastern news on Facebook for news. The school had a webinar today about NUStart. Maybe it was recorded for people that missed it.

If my son indicates that he would consider rather than saying heā€™d rather not do it, will it increase his chances of admission? On the other hand, will it make it more likely to be admitted in rather than NU proper? Does it matter at all in the admission decision?

Honestly, Iā€™m not sure it matters much. Over the years, many students who say they are not interested in NUIN get admitted via that option, and others who say they want NUIN, get regular fall admission. I think it is just a way to gauge some interest, but ultimately, the admissions team does their work looking for the students they feel will fit the campus community best.


Agree, my son said he would not do NUin and was accepted for it.

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Did he go. to NEU or go elsewhere?

No, he went elsewhere, NUin was not a great match for him because his major and age would have only allowed him to be in boston and starting in a hotel in boston online was not what we were looking for which is why he did not want it to begin with, but ultimately he would not have chosen NU even if it was the regular program.

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My 2020 grad also stated that she did not want NUIN but was accepted to it. That was her main reason for declining the offer. She wouldā€™ve considered it if she had been admitted to the regular program. Now my 2022 gradā€™s first choice is NUā€“only applied to four schools including two in-state safeties. However, it will be the same for him. If heā€™s only admitted to NUIN, heā€™ll pass.


Yep, they each find their own way. For those who really want to go to NEU and get in to NUIN, at least itā€™s an acceptance. But each has to weigh the appropriate start for themselves. I think both NUIN and regular admissions will be really tight this year as they need to balance out their severe over enrollment/high yield this year. Good luck to your child!

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Thank you! Itā€™s definitely his first choice, so we will cross fingers that he gets in and that they donā€™t put him in NUIN. Although, I also wouldnā€™t mind having him close to home with his twin sister :wink:

Hi! I was accepted to through ed1 and just had a few questions!

  • How many kids are there usually at each location? Are these kids the same/similar major as you?
  • Is there a lot of interaction with students outside of the program at the universities they are hosted at or is it very separated?
  • If you did what was the best part? what was the worst part? Is it worth it?

Any other advice would be appreciated just about anything involving!
Thank you for taking the time to read this!:slight_smile:

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