Information and FAQ

@kimchifinn my son is in CAMD too. He has chosen to go to Syndey, Australia. From what I’ve seen on Facebook, tons of kids are going to Rome and Greece.

Thanks which Facebook group?

@symonaidanasa @kimchifinn Greece is the biggest program, and I know that Australia was overenrolled by early April.

Can you talk about what housing you were in fir the London Program?

@TomSrOfBoston It appears that there might be a variety of housing options for London, ranging from 10-40 minute ride by public transportation. Does a student get to see where they will be living before having to commit? A 40 minute commute may play a role in choosing a different location in NUin.

Any insight on the group flights? Do most students go this route? I’ve read that they are met at their destination by NU staff and transported to their housing (return trip as well). Curious about the departing airport…assuming they are on their own to get to the gate, etc. Thx in advance, nervous mom here, lol.

I believe there are group flights out of a few major cities. My son flew out of our home airport and met with a group flight out of Boston. It was easy, NUin helps with all of that. He enjoyed flying with everyone. The most important thing a parent can do is be sure the kids have a current passport and apply on the Visa as soon as that information comes out. Also realize the programs all have different start and end dates. The students have to turn in their passport to apply for the visa, so that is good to keep in mind.

My son did NUin London and his living was assigned closer to departure date. He had an incredible experience. His London group both had good living options. He commuted for his service learning, but nothing else. He loved his service learning project.

NEU announced changes to locations. Also commits to having students start in Boston in the Fall if aboard programs are impacted. This is what we need to hear. Sent deposit this morning.

Dear Cxxxxxx and family,

Greetings from The Program team. As we continue to monitor the evolving impact of COVID-19, we are writing to share information regarding our fall 2020 Program locations. These changes affect students across colleges and locations, and as such are being shared with all of our admitted students and families. Thank you for your patience as we have finalized these plans—we recognize that you have been eagerly seeking these answers.

Northeastern University leaders are in constant communication with government and public health agencies on a global scale to learn from and closely follow their recommendations. The safety of our students along with planning for resiliency in maintaining their educational path are our top priority. We recognize that this outbreak will continue to evolve over the coming days, weeks, and months, and the university is engaged in contingency planning at all levels to ensure continuity for all students.

With this in mind, we have further curated the choice of locations to those that we anticipate providing the highest quality experience given the current uncertainty around global travel. Students enrolling in The Program for fall 2020 will now have the opportunity to select from three locations: Montreal, Canada; London, England; and Dublin, Ireland. You can make your selection by accessing your Application Status Check.

We will ensure your educational continuity and enable you to feel confident making Northeastern your destination. As such, accepting your offer of admission will provide you with a spot at an international location and also the guarantee that if a site is not able to operate given the global travel situation, you will have the opportunity to participate in The Program in Boston during the fall. No matter which international site you choose, your experience will be built on the core tenets of a Northeastern education, and your participation will guarantee admission to the university’s Boston campus in January 2021.

We would also like to share a few additional updates regarding sites:

New Residence Hall in Canada
We are excited to announce that we will be using Campus 1 as our student accommodation for Canada this fall. As this residence hall does not offer community or shared kitchens, a meal plan program will be provided for Canada students.

College of Science, College of Engineering, and Bouvé College of Health Sciences Compatibility Expansion at England
All students in the College of Science, College of Engineering, and the Bouvé College of Health Sciences are now compatible with England as well as the previously published compatible locations. ​

PreHealth/PreMed Track Site Selection Recommendation
Students who indicated an interest in the PreHealth/PreMed track at Northeastern and are in the College of Science, College of Engineering, or Bouvé College of Health Sciences, are encouraged to select the England location, as the curriculum offered at this location aligns most closely with graduate school application requirements. Choosing another site may result in additional and/or summer courses in the future.

College of Arts, Media and Design Compatibility Expansion at Ireland
All students in the College of Arts, Media and Design are now compatible with Ireland as well as the previously published compatible locations.

We will continue to share updates in the coming weeks. As questions come up, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone at +1.617.373.6447 or by email at


The Program
Northeastern University

@Xavier_Dredo, received email as well. Re-confirmed daughter’s choice (London). We had already deposited. It was nice to get a formal notification from them, I cannot imagine how busy they must be trying to sort this out!

@Xavier_Dredo thanks for posting this info. A lot of current parents have been wondering too as many of us have upper class kids who will likely not be going on coop and study abroad due to Covid issues this fall… sounds like they have made arrangements for an alternative Boston program somewhere in case any NUIN sites can not operate abroad. NEU is not a traditional campus by any means and I can only imagine this is a nightmare for them to figure out! Nice to hear some clarity on their thinking with this program.

I imagine they accepted far fewer NUIN kids this year given they have fewer locations and need extra space for contingency. Did they say anything about numbers accepted into NUIN or targeted number of NUin spots they are trying to fill?

Congrats to your kids accepted… I’ve had two D ps at NEU since 2012 now and both have had amazing experiences!

Posting this here as well as the RD thread!

Hey everyone! congrats to everyone that got accepted! Since a bunch of people are getting into the program I just wanted to say I participated in the program last year and it was easily one of the best decisions I have made in my entire life! I would absolutely do it again in an instant.


I’m a senior who was just accepted into the NU. in program. I’ll be on the pre-med health track and I honestly really need help. A post here says that NU encourages pre-med students to join the london location, but their course page suggests Ireland would be the best option for Pre-med. Also If my GPA is neutral coming back to Boston spring quarter does this mean only the classes I take that spring will apply to my GPA? I’m a first generation college student and some of this stuff still confuses me. I’m a Running Start Student (dual enrollment at a community college) and we have a quarter system fall, winter, spring, summer. The NU. in program says fall quarter (3 months) we’ll be abroad and come back to boston for spring. Are we going to be abroad for winter? Sorry if that question has an obvious answer I’m just a little lost. Also Im kind of set on trying to transferring to my dream school (Northwestern) unless I decide I love whichever school I attend in the fall. Is doing this program going to make my transfer application weaker? University of Washington is the other school I could attend.


@yosuzume Northeastern operates on the semester system. There is a Fall and Spring semester. There is no Winter term.

What country do kids go who were accepted into the College of Social Science and Humanities?

@Mopep Canada and England

Hello everyone, I was admitted into the program and I will likely be attending. I am in the business school and so my two options for locations are Montreal and London. I was wondering if anybody knows the number of students in each program, and if so, which program is bigger? I am looking to go to the location with a larger amount of students so that when we return in the Spring I will hopefully know more people. Also, does anyone know if NEU encourages business majors to go to a certain location? Thank you :slight_smile:

@claycollege123 My son did Nuin London for business as an incoming 2018. He loved it. Numbers are all going to be different now, back then he had about 80. I would not select your location that way. My son made a very tight group of friends. They returned lived together and branched out. They actually made friends with other groups of NUin kids as well. He pledged a frat, which are pretty mellow at NU, and met more people. Others joined Club Lacrosse, or different intramurals and on campus clubs. After about 2 weeks all knew plenty of new people. McGill is an amazing school in Montreal. The oldest in Canada. Getting to know business in London is very cool as well. If they both offer business then it really is wherever you want to go. I did see the new Montreal program has a pretty amazing set up. My son is a sophomore now on his first Co-op in Boston now. Good luck. My 2020 is strongly leaning towards Northeastern now and is looking at the locations as well trying to decide for Engineering.

My son is looking at Canada but this is on their page

In accordance with the Quebec government’s latest directive, the University will remain closed until at least May 1. All libraries and athletic facilities are closed during this period. All McGill in-person events, on or off campus, are cancelled until June 5. All courses that can be taught using remote instruction will be available starting March 30. There will be no in-person classes and no in-person sit-down examinations for the Winter 2020 term. Students will not be required to be physically on campus for the rest of the term. Visit the Coronavirus update website for more information.

What does that mean for NU program?

@Mopep I think it shows how fluid the virus situation is and how it may impact fall as well. Not just in Canada though, schools across the country. It’s just too soon to tell. What I told my son in this: You may be abroad, you may be in Boston, or you may be online at home (the last one only if all across the country are closed). Eventually there will be a vaccine and we will be past this and Northeastern has many other abroad programs to take advantage of. Their DOC’s (Dialogue of Civilization) are done in the summer and look amazing. It is truly impossible to predict where we will be come fall. My 2018 is currently in Boston working on Co-op out of his Airbnb with a roommate. Both are working for the same company and have been treated well and are making great money. He has stayed flexible and it has paid off. I know we will all be so glad when this is past us, until then so many unknowns. Our kids will end up more resilient after this. Think of our HS seniors…who ever would have thought they would all be home most of second semester senior year. I told my son our favorite thing at NU has been their ability to think outside the box. So with NUin, I trust them to find the best solutions for our kids if need be.