What is NU.in?

As decisions are coming out, some will be receiving the option of NU.in: This thread is a bit of consolidated info on the program.

The program is a Spring admit program where you begin abroad at one of many locations (Australia, Germany, England, Greece, Ireland, Canada) in the Fall and then begin classes in Boston in the Spring. The programs are major specific by location, and all classes fully transfer. While like studying abroad, the support network and advisors is very strong. Students in NU.in usually develop close bonds with their fellow students are groups are much smaller.

The website does a great job describing the program - exploring there is the best way to learn about it.


Another great way to learn more is to tour NEU and go to the NU.in specific information session which is available for the next month or two.

While I did not do the program, some on this forum have - ask any questions you have in this thread! If anyone who has done NU.in want to post about their experiences that would be great as well.

Best of luck to everyone this admissions cycle!

Very disappointed and angry with Northeastern about this.

I’ve never been away from home, and would prefer not to spend the first 3 months in a different country, at least in Boston I am an hour away from home so I can get used to being away.

Also disappointing that I can not transfer to the wait list. I am not the right type of person at all for this program.

@clearlynotspam Then Northeastern is not the right school for you.

It’s funny - I almost wish this was a program that you could opt-in to.


While it’s not final or confirmed, there have been rumors that there may be an opt-in option created for Freshman to do NU.in in the Spring if they wish - I would check back in a few weeks on that one.


While it may not be the best fit you, I would look into it more - going abroad may actually be a great experience for you in ways being an hour from home wouldn’t be - I would go to the NU.in information session if possible.

@clearlynotspam Try calling or emailing your assigned counselor and explain the reason why this is not a practical program for you. Who knows - worth a try if NEU was high on your list.

well this sucks. im already an international student


I’m going to give that a shot. Might as well, I can’t lose anything.

so there is no way of doing the first semester in the us?

No, NUIn is a final decision, appeals will not result in a change.

Unfortunately not - you can try talking to admissions but I would be doubtful of a change in the decion pending extreme circumstances. It may not be how you pictured your first semester, but the program has a lot of cool advantages, even for an international student.

@clearlynotspam If you are hesitant to be too far from home, even 300 miles away in Montreal, then coop would also likely be an issue for you. If you limit your coop search to local Boston area employers you may find yourself unable to find a coop position.

fuck me. all i have wished for since middle school was living in the us

@crownvic As far as I understand, it is for only one semester and the rest of your time will be here in US

people keep saying its 3 months… is a semester in nu 3 months? from sept. to dec.?


Of course I am hesitant for the first semester. If this mandatory abroad was at the end of college, I would be feeling better about it. I know it will take me some time to adjust, but by my first co-op period I would no longer be worried about it.

Plus from what I have read there is no financial aid for these foreign schools…

It’s just I’m very surprised of this with my application. I am well better off being on campus for the first semester, it just does not suit my interests. Oh well, second choice it is.

A year ago this week my son was accepted into the NUin program having never heard of it before that day. He decided to take a chance on something new & unexpected and off he went to Greece. He had the experience of a lifetime and would not change it for anything. He would definitely encourage you to take this amazing opportunity you’ve been given. In addition to his studies in Greece he was able to visit Rome, Florence. Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris and hike up Mt. Olympus. He’s now back in Boston doing very well academically & experienced a very smooth transition. We did receive financial aid for the semester abroad, you just can’t use federal loans. Hope that is helpful, congrats all!

I received my NU IN acceptance today. Not thrilled about it, but I do have a couple of questions.

I applied for the College of Engineering, even though the Canada option does not have engineering, could I still attend the NU IN semester there?

Secondly, I applied for need based financial aid, but I do not see anywhere on the acceptance page about my financial aid package and how it applies to the NU IN semester.

I really like Northeastern and loved my campus visit. This is a road bump, but I could deal wit Canada if it meant being able to go to Northeastern.

I was accepted into NU IN as well. Do they reserve spots in this for their lower level applicants they normally wouldn’t accept? I’m not super excited about the idea of spending my first semester abroad.

The options you have for NUin are the ones associated with your major. This is because they have specific courses/programs set up at those schools to make sure you’re prepped for coming back to Northeastern in the spring.

Normally, there is no aid for NUin; your financial aid would begin when you come to Boston. (I saw mention somewhere that they might be offering aid for the NUin semester, but I don’t remember where I saw that, and it wasn’t a verified source.)