<p>Hey guys, I'm looking for some advice. </p>
<p>When I got into Penn, I was totally set on going. But I just heard from Northwestern's MMSS, was accepted, and really like the program.</p>
<p>If I were to go to Penn, I would do something along the lines of econ, IR, or math. </p>
<p>Are there any major dis/advantages to picking one over the other?</p>
<p>What do you want to get out of your education? What do you think you would want to do after undergrad? (phd, business, law). What sort of stuff do you want out of your social experience? How much do you value having the best women lax versus a top womens lax team?</p>
<p>I don’t know much about MMSS, but the person I do know in the program had a great IBD job at a top bank fwiw. It also seems like a great stepping stone for a quantitiave social science phd (Econ, public policy). </p>
<p>I would try to learn more about NUs math department. If you’ll take a lot of theoretical math I really dislike penn’s department. There are a few great professors, but many people I know are completely tuned off by time they get to upper levels. If you are more interested in applied stuff and stat, the econometrics professors (ESP Diebold and Todd) are great. Also, having wharton is an amazing resource. Lots of great applie research opportunities and I’d Argue the stat department is one of the best departments for undergrads at penn (opim being my personal favorite).</p>
<p>I’m in exactly the same position as you except with Duke instead of Penn. Exactly how prestigious is MMSS in the long run? Does it really make getting a job that much easier? I know its still nowhere near the level of Wharton, but I’m still trying to get a sense of what I’d be giving up if I turned MMSS down.</p>
<p>Thanks for responding, guys!</p>
<p>Well, I put on my app I wanted to do either IB, econ policy, or graduate econ. But I’m slightly worried that I might change my mind (I used to want medicine). </p>
<p>But I’m mostly worried that at Penn, the econ majors will get overshadowed by Wharton students, and that many resources/opportunities would only be available to Wharton. MMSS seems to provide pretty unique resources, and I’m not sure if they’re there at Penn or if they’re as accessible. </p>
<p>And I’ve also wondered exactly how much MMSS would help.</p>
<p>Socially, the schools seem more similar than different, so I’m not too worried about that.</p>
<p>Hey, I don’t mean to tag along onto this thread but I am in a similar type situation. I was fortunate enough to get into both Wharton and NW MMSS. I’m pretty sure I will end up going to Wharton but I was hoping for some extra opinions on how MMSS stacks up. Thanks.</p>
<p>^^ In that case I think Wharton would be the easy choice unless you LOVE Northwestern.</p>