Number of Loans?

<p>How many loans would you be willing to take out for a Miami education?</p>

<p>Well right now I’m looking at $7k/year in loans, unless I miraculously get the Jenkins Scholarship. My parents say that $28k in debt is not that much, but then again, they’re not the ones paying it back…</p>

<p>Cost of attendance in round numbers is 56500 for your first year.</p>

<p>If your out of pocket is 7000.00 your paying 12% of cost of attendance.</p>

<p>In my opinion -99% on this thread would trade packages with you .</p>

<p>Could you please share the specifics of your package? Also curious regarding your EFC</p>

<p>Ill be taking loans too! I will graduate with 10-15k in loans. I think if UM is where you want to go, the loans are worth it.</p>

<p>I would do anything to go but 175k is too much haha :(</p>