How good are they with meeting financial need?

<p>I want to go to UM soo much, but I do not want to take out more than $10,000 in loans every year. I did not get any merit scholarships, but I have already won some small outside scholarships. With their calculator online, they estimated around $18,000 in grants, but even with that I will not be able to go considering its around $56,000. If UM is your #1, would they offer more money to get you to afford it?</p>

<p>I hope so! I got a $16K merit scholarship, but that is definately not enough!! I am applying to outside scholarships too, & hoping that with an EFC of 0, I will get good financial aid! However, if all else fails, I’m willing to take out loans.</p>

<p>Hey, at least you got something! But you should definitely get more if your EFC is 0. How many loans would you be willing to take out?</p>

<p>The regular stafford loans and all that comes in the financial aid package. I don’t plan on taking out any private loans though, I think $20k is the most I would go in debt for Miami.</p>

<p>Well hopefully we get good packages and will be able to attend this fall :slight_smile: I will be so upset if I’m not able to afford it, after working so hard and getting into my dream school. I visited two weeks ago and talked to the financial aid office and they were doing everyone’s that week so they should be out on Thursday! :)</p>