I was wondering how I should fill out my grades on my application. The sample provided has letter assigned grades (A,B,C,D…) yet it says to report your grades as shown on your transcript, and my transcript has numerical grades:
“Show your grades exactly as they are listed on your transcript for each term recorded. If you received 89%, do not round up.
Do not average the term grades or list only the better grade. If you earned A- and B+ in first and second terms of English, list them both.”
What should I do?
I wrote down exactly what was on my transcript, for example my grades on my transcript show up as numerical grades, although some of my electives show up as letter grades.
For example, in Algebra 2 I got a 96, so I wrote 96 in the column. But for my health class I just received an “A” so I wrote down “A”. And in some of my classes I have “Pass/Fail Grade” so I wrote “P” for Pass.