Nurse/Pre-med and more

So I am thinking about going into nursing but to be honest my GPA isn’t the best but I’m working really hard this semester at a community college hoping it wil raise a little bit.
I’m also thinking that if I don’t get into the nursing program I may go into a biology major or something along those lines.
I’m also going to be doing Track & Field but I’m worried about how that will work along with the prereq nursing classes. I’m telling myself that I’ll just get tutoring and it won’t be as hard. Also I don’t understand chemistry and I’ll need help with that.
I just want to know if there’s anyone out there who has been in/ or knows someone in a situation like this and knows what I’m getting myself into?

A good backup plan for someone who is not sure they will make it into a RN program would be a Practical Nurse (Vocational Nurse) program. I would imagine many of the same preregs would count towards both degrees. I imagine some of the science requirements would be a little less intensive.