I feel too stupid to become a Nursing Major

<p>I've always been interested in health and medicine, and I've always wanted to work in a hospital setting. My college has a very prestigious nursing program, that I can transfer into with the right prereqs and grades, but I still can't help but have that doubt in my mind that I'm too dumb to become a nurse.</p>

<p>That was actually the main reason why I didn't apply straight in to becoming a nursing major. I applied as a public relations major. I have absolutely no interest in it to be quite honest, but all of my friends were majoring in it at different schools, so I figured "why not"</p>

<p>Do you guys think I should try my hardest and become a nurse? I'm pretty good at science, but I'm average at math. I don't know if to actually try and do what I think would make me happy, or just to settle with something that would be easier.</p>

<p>Nursing is the ideal field for someone who is great at science, but not great at math.</p>

<p>There are multiple different health care fields, so if being a RN doesn’t seem right for you, look at them.</p>

<p>You’re turning into a nursing major?!</p>

<p>@bmonticello23 I’m about to start college in September. I can discuss changing my track with my academic advisor to be on track before I even start. Right now I’m registered to take like a Comm/PR class and a Management class for a potential double major.</p>

<p>Being an RN basically encompasses everything I’ve dreamed of doing my entire life.</p>

<p>@melinb, go for it. Your passion will carry the day. You can turn a weakness into a strength with the right help. You have to go for it.</p>