Nursing Class of 2026 (Direct Admit BSN)

Updating with DD’s FINAL admissions decisions:

My DD Class of ‘22 has applied to the following direct-admit BSN programs:

Xavier ($24k merit)
Seattle U ($25k merit)
U of Michigan (deferred/waitlisted)
Boston College (Accepted, no merit)
Michigan State (Accepted Nurse Scholar $1,500 merit)
Emory ($13k merit)

She has accepted U Michigan’s waitlist offer, knowing it is unlikely to turn into an acceptance to the U.

It was exciting to be admitted to Emory and Boston College, but we get no financial aid, yet are unable/unwilling to pay our full EFC so they are probably out.

I suspect she will pick MSU , but that is TBD. Good luck to everyone trying to make big life decisions this weekend!


Nurse Camp for future readers. Our D attended this camp last summer at the University of Mary Hardin Baylor. Highly recommend any high school sophomore or junior wanting a great overview and introduction into the BSN pathways and nursing career. Deadline is April 15.


Updating with DD final decision: Azusa Pacific spring cohort

No luck on the California public schools.

DD22 California
4.0 uW, 4.4 W GPA
No test scores
10AP classes, 4 CC classes

Azusa Pacific (admitted)- 22k merit

Univ San Francisco (rejected)
Drexel (accepted)- 22k merit
Univ Tennessee- Knoxville (accepted) - 15k merit
CSUF- interviewed (rejected)
SDSU (rejected)
UCI (rejected)
UCLA (rejected)
Point Loma (not direct entry) (accepted)- 20k merit


My daughter applied to seven direct admit schools . She applied in mid/late September, and then later changed her mind on nursing. A few months into her year long medical careers HS program - open to HS seniors in our county - which is two hours every morning in an area hospital (or was always in the hospital, pre-pandemic), she decided nursing was not for her.

At that point she already had most of the decisions. Here are the results, in case they may be useful to others:

DD22, Pennsylvania
3.5uw, 3.77w
SAT 1480 (740V, 740M)

Case Western - Deferred EA, withdrew application
Drexel - Accepted, $23K/yr merit
Duquesne - Accepted, $23,002 merit (not a typo)
Pitt - Accepted, no merit
Temple - Accepted, $10K/yr merit
West Chester - Changed major on application prior to decision for nursing, then admitted
Xavier - Accepted, $23K/yr merit



WOW! So what will she be doing now?

I love that she did that program. More kids should do something like that! (Sounds like such a cool program)

That is why my daughter did her CNA last year and worked in a rehab facility doing the grunt work. I knew that if she could handle that with smile and a happy heart then nursing is for her.

When I went to nursing school for my BSN almost 30 years ago, I can remember 2 girls who finished the program and never had any hands on experience (I was also a CNA at a local nursing home during school) They HATED nursing when they got into the field. I have always wondered where they are today.

So good for your daughter @crankymom! She will figure out what gives her joy… :slight_smile:



Congrats on Azusa!

Im so curious what instate people have actually gotten into the direct admit programs in CA.
(especially SDSU) I also haven’t seen 1 CA in state admit on here for SDSU, UCLA or UCI.

I wish we could have afforded USF as that was our only instate option. At 70k per year, daughters 27k merit didn’t make it in our price range.

We are still at a standstill with U of New Mexico. Should hear any day!

The other 2 choices are PLU in Tacoma and Westminster in Utah. After our visits to both school the past 2 weeks just tonight she is leaning towards Westminster. (kind of a shocker to me because when we went 2 weeks ago she wasn’t feeling Westminster and now after seeing PLU this past week she has had a change of heart.) I know that she would be happy at either school.

Mind you I take this all in stride. She might change her mind tomorrow. :wink: We have 26 more days until we need to commit.

I have not enjoyed this journey to be honest. I will be more knowledgeable when my 2- 8th graders do this again in 4 years. They are not allowed to go into nursing, I can tell you that for sure. :wink: ha!

Son and I leave for Utah on Thurs to check out U of Utah and Colorado State for business. At this point he says it will be between the U of Utah and UCSB. He loved his campus tour at UCSB last week. Hoping that U of Utah speaks to him. How crazy would that be for nursing daughter and business son to both be in UTAH. I know that doesn’t thrill them to be close to each other but for me that would be AMAZING! Time will tell…


D22 changed her Pitt application to Dietrich Arts & Sciences. She says she wants to major in Anthropology, though she will likely add another degree, as she has to eat.

Older sisters both got two degrees, and probably served middle kid well to get one humanities and one STEM undergrad degree. And from the experiences of the older two, we understand that two degrees, rather than two majors, mean more credit hours required - just a tip in case any of your kids go that route.

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My Biology teacher in HS told us she became a teacher after she got her nursing degree because she decided she didn’t like working with sick people.


So I called U of NM today to see what the projected date would be to release acceptances into the direct admit nursing program. The guy said at least 2 more weeks. SERIOUSLY! So if an acceptance is received that gives you a bit over 1 week to decide and squeeze in a visit before the May1st deadline of all other schools. Crazy!

That is crazy: “at least two weeks.” I hope May 1 is not their deadline for SIR.

oops, accidental post!

Daughter committed to Creighton University’s 4-year direct admit nursing program this week (19k merit). Go Bluejays!

hs type: private college prep school
act (shared with all schools) : 26
unweighted GPA: 3.5, including several AP, plus forensics and anatomy
extracurriculars: 3 sport varsity athlete + over 100 volunteer hours/year (including time in healthcare settings) + leadership through NCL chapter & sports teams + Girl Scout + confirmed Catholic (not sure if considered, but mentioning since Creighton is a Jesuit university)

applied to 14 schools…
13 acceptances (*direct admit &/or pre nursing): *Creighton, *Elon, *Belmont, *Loyola-New Orleans, St. Mary’s (ND Indiana), Auburn, Arkansas, Nebraska (Lincoln & Omaha), Louisville, Sam Houston State, & Texas State. Also accepted to TX Christian U as undeclared major.
1 rejection: ClemsonSC

Good luck to all as this admissions season wraps up & throughout the next 4 years!!!


Congrats. Would you share stats

Daughter has committed to Clemson for nursing. Also accepted into the Honors College.

Her stats:
HS type: public, Title 1 school
State of residence: GA
GPA unweighted: 4.0, weighted (with 1 point for AP and .5 for honors): 4.5
coursework: mostly honors and 9 APs (scored mostly 5 on the 5 AP exams she has taken).
SAT: 1470
Extracurriculars: pretty average: has a part-time job and volunteers in church’s children ministry. Clubs in H.S.: medical club, French club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

Applied to 6 schools for nursing/pre-nursing:
Clemson - accepted and committed (merit: 8K)
UNC-CH - accepted
University of South Carolina - accepted and accepted into Honors College which would give her a DA into nursing (merit: 35K)
Auburn: accepted (merit: 20K)
UVA - rejected
Emory - rejected

Also, accepted to University of Georgia for a non-nursing major.

She is thrilled about Clemson as are we. Best wishes to everyone!


Updating with SIR decision

S22 committed to Azusa Pacific School of Nursing for the spring cohort

No luck on the California public schools either

S22 California
3.9 UW, 4.4 W GPA, 4.3 CSUW
No test scores
9 AP classes

Azusa Pacific (admitted)- 22k merit

CSUF- (rejected)
SDSU (rejected)
UCI (rejected); accepted to alternate non-nursing

U of Utah (accepted for Nursing)
ASU (accepted)
U of New Mexico (pending decision for Nursing)

Admission decision from Azusa came early. It was a nail biting wait for decisions from the rest of the Cali direct admit schools. Fellow Californians can relate to how difficult it is to get into our in state schools. I’m glad our journey is over and S22 is headed to an in-state very respectable nursing program at Azusa Pacific University. The location is a manageable commute which is an added bonus!

Congratulations to our kiddos who find the schools that love them back. Best wishes to all!


Our S has also committed to Azusa Pacific University School of Nursing. It was his first choice school, and we heard in early January. We are very thankful he was admitted and staying in state.

I wish ALL of our Cal State Universities were direct admission for nursing.
Wouldn’t that be a game changer?


Congrats @momtexas, @mcruby, @momBSND21, and @BertCanFLy!

We are still between PLU and Westminster in Utah (*waiting on UNM). *today is April 13th for those reading this years later. Daughter is torn. She likes the PLU campus better than Westminster but the area of Westminster better. PLU has a beautiful new nursing building that doesn’t compare to Westminster. Westminster is in the Sugar House area of Salt Lake City and super close to downtown and close to all hospitals for clinicals. Sugar House is hip and happening and is super safe. The nursing director is fantastic at Westminster. Super approachable guy and a VERY supportive program. It is a really nice campus but on the small side. She woke up this morning saying PLU and by the end of today says Westminster. Im just glad its not me making the decision. :wink:

I can believe that UNM doesn’t release their direct admit decisions for another week or 2. Doesn’t really give any time for a visit.

@momBSND21 Just this past weekend, I was in SLC at U of Utah with my son looking at the business school and the campus has that WOW factor. Its also a short drive to Park City. The campus is amazing and the school spirit is through the roof! The hospital is even right on campus! They are having major housing issues right now and don’t guarantee housing for freshman which isn’t ideal but for future kids, you need to apply for housing VERY early and you should be good. You apply for housing even before SIRing. (which is nutty to me) My daughter got into the school but didn’t qualify for direct admit because she has more than 30 DE credits. All that being said, I think that U of Utah nursing would be a fantastic choice for future CA students as they are a WUE school.

Im loving that many CA peeps have been able to stay in state with Azusa. Seems like a great choice. Being that we are not Christian, we opted out due to the mandatory chapel. The only in state option we had was USF which is crazy expensive.

After this journey, Im not impressed with our state schools as they are not even an option for top stat kids.



In that case, there would probably be some CSUs where most majors get in with 2.5-2.7 HS GPA, but the nursing threshold would be 4.2-4.3 HS GPA.

Hang in there @ RNmomof4! In 4 - 5 months, we will be moving them into their dorms and all this waiting and uncertainty will be over! Hard to believe, right?!?!


Yes! Hard to believe. :wink: