Nursing Masters/Australia Transfer

<p>Hi everyone! </p>

<p>So my cousin recently completed a bachelor's degree in Australia, but she can't pass the OET (english proficiency test for health professionals) to get the actual nurse practitioner license, so she wants to come to the US to get a master's in nursing...does that make any sense? I really want to help her, but i have no knowledge whatsoever of the nursing programs here in the US. Will she be eligible to apply to master's programs if she doesn't have her actual license? Does anyone know about english proficiency tests/requirements in the US (California, in particular)? What's the career outlook in the US for nurses currently? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!! </p>

<p>Wouldn’t it be easier to improve her English so she can pass the test? That would be important
in order to study or work in any English speaking country.</p>

<p>Lot’s of questions. First, do you mean nursing license or nurse practitioner license? Two different things. I’ll assume the former since the later requires an MSN (probably a DNP before too long). Once past the OET hurdle, does your cousin still have to sit for NCLEX (the national test all nurses must pass to work as nurses). Did the bachelor’s in Australia prepare her for the NCLEX? What a nurse does differs quite a bit from country to country, and so the training is different. Will the state board of nursing in the state where she hopes to work grant her permission to sit for the exam? </p>

<p>Career outlook for nursing varies by region. </p>