Getting Jobs OOS from Where You Get Your Degree

I am going to likely have to go OOS for nursing school and I was wondering how hard it is to go to another state and get a job. My mom is a nurse and I volunteer at the hospital she works at and I have noticed that almost all of the nurses there (including her) did their clinicals at that hospital. I want to go to TCU and if I do attend there, I don’t mind living in Dallas/Fort Worth because I really love it there, however it looks like I am going to go to GCU because the cost is so much better. I absolutely do not want to live in Arizona after college though. I know the NCLEX is nationwide so I can move back to California and it wouldn’t be an issue, but would it be hard to get a job at a hospital I didn’t do clinicals at?? I really want to work on an ICU as well, if that complicates matters.

D’s mother works in her hospital’s NICU and has also worked in their PICU. What school a job candidate attended doesn’t impact hiring decisions. The candidate’s qualifications, experiences and skills are most important. She graduated Marquette and participated in the traveling nurse program after graduation. She gained experience working in Houston, Albuquerque, Oakland and San Diego as a travel nurse. San Diego hospitals typically require one year’s work experience to be eligible to be hired.

The vast majority of the graduates of my daughter’s nursing program did not take jobs where they did most of their clinicals.

It won’t matter where you go to school to get a nursing job believe me. If your state requires a BS in nursing rather than a diploma, that will be the only requirement. I live in a state in which a BS is not required. I went back to nursing school after I graduated with a different degree. If I still worked in the hospital I could get a job anywhere. I have recruiters contacting me all of the time from all over the country.

@Banker1 @Charliesch @ambkeegan Thank you all so much! I was really worried but now I feel much better!