Nursing out of the U.S

<p>I wanted to know if anyone has been a nurse out of the country. I am wondering what are the pros and cons of being a nurse in a foreign country. I really want to become a nurse in South Korea but I heard it was really hard. Thanks!</p>

<p>Are you asking as a propective student who would attend nursing school in S. Korea, or as a current nurse who would like to move there?</p>

<p>You might get some help over at the international student section of this website.</p>

<p>Then again, there is always North Korea. I hear Pyonyoung is beautiful this time of year.</p>

<p>Im asking as a I am a senior in hs who wants to be a nurse in south korea. I am going to do my studies in the U.S</p>

<p>Another option would be to consider the armed services. I don’t know if you are a US citizen, but it is easier to become a citizen if you join the armed services. My sister was a nurse in the navy and she did 3 years in Okinawa (which was an assignment that most people did not want). She did get to travel free throughout Asia, however, it was in a noisy transport plane where earplugs were needed, strapped in next to a tank. She joined the navy after she became a RN - the officer training was not that bad. </p>

<p>I imagine an army nurse would not have trouble getting an assignment in South Korea. The navy has a larger number of personnel based in Japan. The marines have traditionally operated from Okinawa (although they may be shrinking).</p>

<p>The armed services will provide substantial college benefits and/or loan forgiveness for nurses. The various armed services are now offering vastly different college benefits depending upon their needs at the time, so it pays to compare. You officially would be a member of the reserves, but with an active duty obligation to start.</p>

<p>Just an FYI - The Marines do not have nurses…or doctors either. The Navy supplies the professional medical personnel for the USMC. </p>

<p>As opposed to comparing the “vastly different college benefits”, I would recommend you decide which branch you can actually see yourself serving as a commissioned officer first and a nurse second.</p>

<p>FWIW - it is not as easy as it has been in the past to receive a ROTC Nursing scholarship from the Air Force and even if you receive one you need to be evaluated towards the end of your sophomore year to be selected for Field Training and to keep your scholarship. </p>

<p>The time commitment and required work for ANY of the ROTC programs is large and should not be entered into casually.</p>

<p>I am not an U.S. citizen I am from Singapore. I don’t plan on becoming an American citizen. Could I get a job easily as a nurse in South Korea because I heard they hire their citizens first, then they look for those from foreign countries.</p>

<p>Just to be clear:
You are currently a HS senior from Singapore that is going to attend a US College nursing program and after receiving your BSN/RN hope to work as a RN in S. Korea? Have you been accepted into a US BSN program? Have you researched the requirements for US educated nurses to receive a work visa and work as a nurse in S. Korea?</p>

<p>No I live in America with a green card. I been accepted into a pre nursing program for the fall of 2012</p>

<p>My sister didn’t go ROTC, she went to officer training after nursing school. </p>

<p>The reserves offer college loan forgiveness in many cases. A person might also become an enlisted reservist while in college, do their basic training over the summer, and then get aid to finish their degree. However, they have the right to pull you out of college if you are needed, which happened to my nephew who thought he was a full time college student, and then woke up a month later driving a unarmored humvee through gunfire in Baghdad.</p>

<p>In most cases, I believe you need 180 days of active duty, to be eligible for the GI bill college benefits. </p>

<p>Yes, the standard ROTC scholarships are much harder to get than they used to be, but there might be some special programs for nurses. People can still do ROTC for a monthly stipend even if they don’t get a full scholarship.</p>

<p>Maybe you should contact the Korean consulate and ask about work visas for the nursing field and what their requirements are. They may not tell you how easy it is for a non-Korean citizen to be hired, but at least you’ll know all the bureaucratic requirements in advance.</p>