Nursing Schools

<p>neonzeus: congrats!! after the Duquesne nursing preview day we also left very impressed ( see above notes) and our son will be attending fall 2010. you and your daughter did some great homework. i gotta say, after doing all of our visits, research, interviews, etc. Duquense really stood out to our son. great city with tons to do, campus had a “college feel” while only on 45 acres tucked away in the city, school has a great reputation, impressive variety of clinicals at major medical centers only a 5 min. bus ride away, best staff we met, strong interactive students, community focused curriculum, chance for him to interact with students from Pitt, Carnegie Mellon and Robert Morris, dollar for dollar after his scholarship it is a great opportunity. Duquesne just had the best mix of everything our son was looking for.<br>
Good Luck</p>

<p>Question about Dusquense for those deciding already…Do you currently live nearby? If not, how far is it back home? Our/D concern is she is not sure she would stay in the Pittsburgh area after graduation, but has been told most nurses stay within a reasonable distance from medical centers/hospitals nearby the university/college they graduated from? Thought welcome…</p>

<p>For example,having spent much time at U Penn,a significant # of current nurses attended schools within the Philly area…</p>


<p>we live in central PA, four hour drive with one stop. currently, our son’s first thought is to be a traveling nurse then look to settle in somewhere later whether it be grad school or settle in professionally. he has to research more. hard to say and not too concerned about right now, so many things change in four years. will cross it when we he gets there</p>

<p>We are within 45 min drive of Duquesne (not that D ever intends on coming home on weekends!). D had applied to several schools that were 1200 miles away, and didn’t care whether she went to school locally or not. D was trying to find a nursing program that was a really good fit, which ultimately took priority over every other consideration. If anything, Duquesne’s closeness was the one negative about Duquesne when comparing schools since she would have preferred a school further from home. </p>

<p>However, I believe she would still have chosen Duquesne’s nursing program even if it was in Arkansas or Iowa. </p>

<p>D knows that it might be a little harder to find employment elsewhere than if she was doing her clinicals where she might want to work. Interviewing locally is easier when you’re still in school, and clearly the local employers are familiar with Duquesne grads. On the other hand, D feels that anything might happen like dman3121’s kid. D may decide to go to grad school in another state, get married and move across the country, or may just decide to live somewhere else. She doesn’t view going to Duquesne as a commitment to Pittsburgh. As a nice small city with a low cost of living and a great quality of life, she could do worse IMO.</p>

<p>I just got waitlisted at UPitt nursing- The letter was directly from the nursing school so I am positive that i am on the nursing waitlist. I am actually very surprised because I figured I would get put in liberal arts or a different campus or something because their nursing program is so good… I figured I wouldnt get into their nursing program at all. Their nursing program is also one of the best in the country like Case Western and I think I would like UPitt better, it seems to be more of my type of school. Does anyone know how many people get off the waitlist at UPitt?</p>

<p>^ I just declined my seat at Pitt, so hopefully it opens up a space in the nursing program for you!</p>

<p>hah thank you! Im mailing back my waitlist form over night! Where else are you looking to go?</p>

<p>I decided to go to the University of Michigan rather than Pitt because it was a better financial offer.</p>

<p>After visiting Pitt I can tell you that it is an amazing program and an equally amazing campus. I wish you the best of luck!</p>

<p>Wow congrats! That’s a great school!</p>

<p>Waitlisted at UVM nursing. This is ridiculous. I even used their VIP application. I’m so sick of nursing schools being so hard to get into. My stats are WAY ABOVE the average stats to get into UVM and I should have easily been able to get in there.</p>

<p>They may favor in state kids with lower stats</p>


<p>We would agree with you. UVM is ridiculous. They use the VIP offer to increase applications. The good news for you (and my D) is that you won’t have to pay over $45,000/year as an OOS student at a state university.:cool:</p>

<p>D also got waitlisted, but has some other great options.:wink:
Like you, her stats are well within (and beyond) the non-nursing major acceptances at UVM.</p>

<p>Anybody have thoughts about St. Louis, Fairfield and Nova? Haven’t visited SLU but not sure what the best option might be for me given there is no financial aid involved-</p>

<p>^^^^^ Chose Villanova over Fairfield…No FA or merit at either…</p>

Congrats qdogpa to you and your daughter!!! Nova is a great school. Must be a relief to finally know where she is going to school next year.</p>


<p>Thanks, not overly excited about the tuition,but happy that she was accepted…It was the 1st school she visited, and loved it from the start…Wasn’t thrilled with Dusquesne,though she received merit, “liked” Fairfield,and liked Drexel,with merit there also…so we deposited and the trek is over,for 2 years,when the process for next D comes up ;)</p>

<p>Congratulations and thinking that is the right choice for me as well but I am really trying to find the place that gives me the best clinical situation. Going back to visit each of them again and see what happens. Still waiting on the super stretch programs at Gtown, UVA and BC but they aren’t realistic options unless they believe my experience is worthy of a deeper review</p>

<p>D was waitlisted at Nova. Has anyone here ever hear of someone getting in from the waitlist? We all loved the school - didn’t like the price - but loved the school!</p>

<p>Visited Towson U today, D1’s safety. This is a 2 + 2 program and we found out that last year there were more than 270 applicants for 72 spots in the nursing program! They are raising their minimum GPA requirements because the current level, 2.5, is NEVER going to get you admitted. They choose applicants mainly by GPA and it is a blind process, so they don’t know which schools the applicants come from. No preference is given to Towson students. Yikes…</p>

<p>More about Towson… </p>

<p>On the plus side, they give full credit for required courses that you may take at a local CC. They even have a handout matching what their particular science pre-req is called at each and every CC in the state. So, you could take a difficult lab course over the summer and have a good chance at getting your GPA up.</p>