Nursing Schools

<p>Greenwitch - We had the same experience with SUNY Buffalo, which eliminated its guarantee and became a straight 2+2. The admissions counselor told us that the admissions criteria is a 2.5 GPA in the nursing prereqs. Yeah, right. That would NEVER get you into their upper level nursing classes. I wish many of these schools would be more upfront about their actual admissions profiles. I also am surprised that so many of them do not give a preference to their own students. It seems unfair. It also makes one question whether they think their own pre-nursing classes are good, or just average.</p>

<p>The odds at many of the 2+2 programs are scary, turning applicants into gamblers.</p>

<p>^^^the 2 + 2 programs are scary! I’m glad Towson was honest about the numbers. </p>

<p>Every school like that should spell out the numbers on their web site so students know what they’re up against. Instead, a lot of them just say that admittance to the nursing program is “competitive”. It’s a shame because most state programs are 2 + 2 and for students who need the affordabiltly of a state program, where do they go? Also, a school should value and enhance its own strength of community enough to choose mainly from its existing students.</p>

<p>well kabsmom, i hope your daughter is taken off the waitlist and accepted. i will probably be declining my offer for villanova for another college.</p>

<p>From your mouth to gods ears. . . If she does - I owe you one (but I probably won’t be able to afford it cause I’m paying Nova tuition. lol) I’m not sure how it works but I do know that with their formula of number of acceptances, they do take into account. So I’m not buying wildcat season tickets yet.
Any opinions on her other direct admit schools, please? Loyola Chicago, URI, and Catholic. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated for an alternative plan from Villanova. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Catholic U nursing program has low NCLEX scores (68%) and is on probation. Found this out at open house in Jan. at nursing presentation.</p>


<p>Thanks for the info on catholic - i’ll look into that. One last question (hopefully) She was also deferred from Ohio State and wait listed from JMU. Any opinions with those two which could be possibly in the mix? I can’t wait till this process is over! Thanks again for your info.</p>

<p>OSU is not direct admit.</p>

<p>Down to final four out of eight choices. (We will be going to accepted student day tomorrow at U Scranton.)</p>

<p><strong><em>FINAL FOUR</em></strong></p>

<p>U Scranton (received partial scholarship , but a little far from home)</p>

<p>Fairfield (probably too darn expensive)
Quinnipiac (may not be good social fit, no merit $)</p>

<p>URI (may be too big, but closest to home)</p>

<p>I think I will be glad when final decision is made too! :o</p>


<p>Good luck in your final decision…it was a relief when D was accepted to Villanova,as it was her 1st choice(and 1st visit to any school in fall)…deposited and now all is good ;)</p>

<p>Congrats qdogpa! And thanks for your feedback throughout this process.</p>

<p>D may wind up in PA, I’ll let you know…</p>

Have met and spoken to several people whose children attend Scranton, and they have nothing but very good thigns to say about the school</p>

<p>sokkermom ~ it looks like my wishes for a beautiful weekend for you have worked! It was supposed to be rainy and miserable today, but it is beautifully sunny, although a bit chilly. Tomorrow is supposed to be bright sunshine with a high of 45. Have fun!</p>

<p>jblan392 - perhaps it will make you feel better to know that UVM Nursing 2009 NCLEX pass rate was 75%, 2008 was 88.1%. The dean of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, with a nursing background, resigned last spring. Perhaps things will improve with the new Dean in place. She has a Communication Sciences background as they are moving Speech Pathology and Audiology to the CNHS.<br>
Things happen for a reason. Wherever you go, the school you choose will be fortunate enough to have you accept. Congratulations!</p>