NU's Math Rep

<p>I'm doing engineering at NU for the class of 2013. I was wondering about the reputation of math at NU. Like I know at least at Duke, it has a rep of being really hard for even the smart kids. I was wondering if there was any kind of thing like that for NU math. Particularly Calc 1-3 and Differential Equations. Thanks.</p>

<p>NU is strong in math. MENU is an option for students with a real interest in math - it’s a well-regarded program. Not easy but doable if you have a solid background in math.</p>

<p>I guess my question was more aimed at the difficulty of the classes. Are they generally noted as impossible or fairly easy for people who are decent at math?</p>

<p>There’s generally trends for certain universities math departments and their reputation within the university for the teaching level and difficulty.</p>

<p>Not that I know of. When I was there, there’s Honors Calculus. So my guess is the regular one shouldn’t be too bad. Otherwise, what’s the point of having the Honors version? :wink:
I didn’t do Calculus at NU. The diffi Q I took was nothing out of ordinary. It’s not bad but because of the curve, one still needed to be pretty good to get an A.</p>

<p>You’ll take a math placement test right before you start at NU. I got a 100% on all three parts and was put into honors calc. I took calc BC in highschool and did pretty well, and well, to say the least, I dropped the class after the third day. I heard that it eventually calmed down to an fairly understandable level. But the averages were still in the 25-30 range.</p>

<p>I only took 230 and 234 at NU, however 230 is a fairly difficult class, 234 even more so. Impossible? Certainly not – just put in the time. Hard? Yes, be prepared to work for your grade.</p>

<p>There is a math placement exam? My kid did not take this, but was placed in a math sequence based on AP exam results.</p>

<p>You’re right, it is only for engineering. Sorry.</p>