Nutrition, MCB/Genetics, Philosophy, and Pre-Med

<p>Those four are basically my prospective majors. Yeah, that's a lot, but at least pre-med isn't an actual major. I was thinking of double majoring, probably nutrition/philosophy.</p>

<p>I know that many people who take philosophy probably go in there knowing absolutely nothing, but I think it would be a good idea for me to prepare myself a little bit, and see if it's even a good idea for me to major in philosophy. As much as I love deep thinking, sometimes I kind of suck at it and it hurts my head. So hey, maybe it's not a good idea. Especially since I heard that philosophy at Berkeley is extremely hard.</p>

<p>I'd like some recommendations on what books to read though. I really am interested in taking Philosophy (or maybe ethics, does anyone know anything about that major?), so like I said, I want to prepare myself.</p>

<p>I'm pretty much dead set on nutrition, though unfortunately, few colleges have nutrition in California. Darn. Does anyone who actually majors in nutrition have anything to say about this major though? </p>

<p>As for MCB, that can be found anywhere, and I guess that I can just ask my cousin about that. Genetics I'm pretty sure can only be found at Davis.</p>

<p>So, to summarize and wrap it all up...</p>

<p>Can anyone recommend specific books for reading? (Yes, I'm aware that it's not your typical summer light reading that's reserved for the sole purpose of entertainment.) Any opinions about nutrition, anything to say? And to add to the amount of questions, would nutrition/philosophy or MCB/philosophy be a betterr for pre-med? Or nutrition/MCB?</p>