NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

You all just need to stop and wait until Tuesday. This whole theory goe

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I agree ^

Who even knows if this is even factual. Like I get it, we’re all anxious to find out if we got in or not, but going around the system is not worth finding out earlier or seeing “indications” if you got in. Just wait. I’m pretty sure we all had amazing applications.

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everyone has access to all of these. The only difference is the “no apps” and “spring DC”

Pretty sure the theory is false.

Exactly, the only thing that is different from all of our applications is the housing portion of stuff. It’s literally on the NYU website that they will remove the button because you can no longer make changes to your application.

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At this point, anything is unpredictable. We just have to wait it out. I’m nervous, we’re all nervous, but we shouldn’t be making our own assumptions based on non factual indicators that mean if you got admitted/rejected/ waitlisted. I, for one see no correlation within the housing portal and our application status. No one should be scared that they got rejected if the decision is based off of these theories. Don’t lose hope!

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yep i did the same thing. thats why it sucks but i think its true

thanks ! just worked.

I just want to say these are baseless claims. They are updating until Tuesday 
 stop freaking out. This can be triggering for people.

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Why would they update until Tuesday? Every admissions office doesn’t work on the weekends and they have Monday off because it’s a holiday.

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Tuesday is the 16th my guy.

Yea ik. What’s ur point?

he is implying that they would have already made a decision by Thursday-Friday. The admissions office did not have work after 3PM EST.

Thats true. The decisions are probably done by now
 I highly doubt they would work on it last minute.

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Yea ik. That’s what I was saying too, so Idk what he meant

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The decisions were probably done several days ago.

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what the ■■■■ happened here? lol

so far right now

Stern email is 100% indicator

Housing portal seems to be volatile since I heard from ED1 ppl that some ppl got rejected with no apps OR got accepted with spring 2021

Please do not rely on the housing portal. I am fairly certain that there is no correlation between that and acceptance.

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the thing is that it’s way too perfect to be coincidental

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