NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

Although—you were the guy who joined yesterday and said you had Spring DC about 20 hours ago—etc etc

Hi everyone,

I made a account just to make this post. Not anyone’s backup CC account just to let u all know and no personal attacks, thank you. Please stay chill and friendly. The only real indicator is the Application Status Update from NYU on Tuesday. Plus, it is more common for accepted students to post their housing status and Stern email things than rejected/deferred applicants. It is possible for the real acceptance rate to be similar with the sample size on CC. However, the small sample size could make a conclusion, but it cannot make a confident conclusion since it is a small, biased sample, as there might be lurking variable in this situation. (Let’s say, maybe people who apply to lsp get the DC thing, and ppl with strong stats are more confidence in their acceptance, so they only apply to their choice school in NYU, thus they do not get the DC thing)

At last, college app do have a degree of randomness and I sincerely wish we all get into our dream schools and we are all amazing ppl that will have great accomplishments in life, regardless of where we ended up at.

Take a breath and have a nice day. We got this!

I said that 3 days ago when I trusted the rumors

You must have not seen me say a million times to make people know that these aren’t signs and continue having hopes and fight off kids that are taking away their hope

every single person that has stood up for me has gotten hate from the same kids and its just funny at this point. They even accused that admin kid of being me or something LMFAOAOAO

The thing is, I’m not looking at people who said they got accepted/rejected. I’m looking at people who said their housing status before decisions came out.

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Sorry, I do not remember your comments from this forum as I just found out about CC yesterday. Can u tell me what is ur point?

So, how did you make the conclusion that these “no apps” housing status are mostly/all “accepted”?

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Other than the 3 signs, or maybe the 3 monkeys, or maybe more like Sergeant Schultz, does anyone know if NYU (Stern) typically provides any grant or scholarship monies to ED students when providing the financial aid awards?

I wonder why they didn’t just release the decisions on Friday? I know past years they’ve been released the 13th.

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After all, if u believe such indicators are real since it is in ur favor and not believe in them since they are not in ur favor- we should all have hope. It is a theory, and we should believe ourselves no matter what the outcome is. But please keep in mind, it is just a theory yet, not a fact, so we should never rely solely on the “indicators” and it should not be glorified as truth.

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“The Admissions Office at NYU has denied multiple times that the change on Albert means anything and said that it is just how the system works. However, the myth surrounding the glitch is still discussed repeatedly every year due to the apparent correlation between applicants who receive the change and get accepted (while rejected students often received no change). In an attempt to prove whether or not the change has any meaning at all, students on College Confidential start a “disclosure thread” every year. They “pledge” to disclose their admissions decision and whether or not they got the financial aid status change. This EDII disclosure thread from the 2013 round of applicationsshows that there seems to be some sort of correlation between the change and the admissions decision as a high number of students who got the change were accepted (and vice versa).

However, there are still a few outliers to the glitch. Some applicants claim that they did receive the change but were denied by the school. As a result, while the myth cannot be proven, it cannot be entirely disregarded either based on the possible relationship between the glitch and admission decisions.

Another change on Albert that seems to be commonly believed as an indicator of acceptance is when the status of the applicant’s application has changed from one school to another. For instance, a CAS applicant would have “College of Arts & Science” under their status when the Albert account was first created. However, many began to notice that the school name has changed to LSP or another NYU school. The results from the disclosure thread highly suggests that students who had the LSP change were denied by their first-choice and placed into LSP.

NYU has, however, commented that the change in school names is simply showing that they are considering the student for their second-choice school(s) as indicated on their Common Application and does not necessarily mean they have been rejected from their first-choice. Yet, the lack of students who had the “LSP change” but were accepted into their first-choice seem to be rare, if there are any at all.

The last myth, which may not really be a myth but a fact, is that rejection e-mails come out first. It is no secret that admissions decisions comes in waves, depending on the region. However, the NYU 2018 Early Decision Ithread from last year suggests that applicants began receiving decision e-mails as early as 1 a.m. However, all the pre-dawn hours decision e-mails were all rejection letters. At my high school in particular, the acceptances all came in exactly at 3 PM after the waves of rejections had died down.

If you are an NYU 2019 applicant, NYU Local would like to re-emphasize that, at the end of the day, the NYU Albert glitches are still and probably will not be 100 percent proven, so take this with a grain of salt. Enjoy the rest of senior year because it can be the best time of your life (as cheesy as that sounds). Good luck to everyone who is hearing back this coming Monday.”

Source: nyulocal.com

I hope this can put everything to rest, I’m a deferred student myself and I had changes to my account that indicated different things at different times. Put the rumors to rest and stop stirring additional anxiety before the day.

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It’s just confirmation bias.

So if you receive an email before 3 pm its a rejection?

hmmm yea I agree

i am still a junior but i am planning on applying to NYU ED in the fall. I am so nervous and feel like I don’t have a chance, if you guys don’t mind could you share your stats/APs

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I wanted it to help in terms of the whole “one box two box spring housing no housing” situation, of course everyone has their respective theories but there are some that will literally stress the crap out of people


lol yea and there are ppl who attack random kids for no reason and they are so sure there is correlation. Like chill and wait a couple of days.


GPA: 3.95 unweighted/4.4 weighted
5 APs, 6 honors classes
Essays were good, one was allegorical, relating pancakes to quality life and understanding that as I grew up, the other was on a presentation I gave about NYU that helped me understand it was my dream school
LOR from an author/NYU alumni and genocide survivor, my English teacher; another from my world history AP teacher who is a Brown alumni
ECs: started a website on social justice
President of national honors society
Treasurer of ASL honors society
Concertmaster of my honors band
Tutor for special education kids
Started two clubs
100+ community service hours
Research project with NYU professor

Deferred ED I (maybe because my financial aid docs didn’t go through on time? At least that’s what a counselor from NYU told me on zoom)