NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

that’s last year dude, no relation to this year

bruh you just not reading enough

still haven’t provided a username lmao

wdym ppl based this theory off last year and this years ed

nyu has not commented on this btw. thats a student blog as NYU will never comment on conspiracy and such.

no they’re not lmaoo. It’s only based off ed 1, the theories change every year lmaoo. You yourself even provided an article that had different theories from past years

we’ve only been basing it off of ED1 this year… its the most reliable one since its recent. Don’t look at previous years because they might be different.

I got a feeling a lot of you guys are gaslighting others and yourselves into believing things that dont exist. Like posts that have literally not been posted. just my 2 cents.


Exactly. Theories. Never said it wasn’t a theory, never said anything was a fact. Reread the article it actually does have quotes from meet NYU to support their assertions, my excerpt was just to prove my point, these are all unprovable theories. Can we please stop taking them as fact and making people feel bad?

Also please check the ED I thread again, a lot of info is being commented on and there have been cases of people having housing/Albert changes like… two hours before admissions.

Okay so you go incognito, go to Gmail and in login you put yournetid@stern.nyu.edu OR yournetid@nyu.edu and then click go/enter. If Gmail gives you a message of “invalid email address” or “couldn’t find the address” or “account does not exist”, then you got rejected. If it redirects you to password or to NYU log in website, accepted. However, nobody knows how reliable this is. Some people also sent emails to those addresses and for some it was not delivered to the stern.nyu.edu address but got delivered to nyu.edu address. Personally, none of the emails worked for me :smiling_face_with_tear:.

(from reddit, you guys should try it)

hey buddy, you want a username, why tf do I have to do this for you look at the reddit, but fine look Worried-Special-658

and nah they have been in speculation for the past couple of years

You got rejected when NYU tells you you got rejected and you got accepted when they tell you you’re accepted. Things change, these patterns aren’t guarantees. People are extremely anxious in the time leading up to it and this is only making it worse. That’s like saying “huh yeah they serve red snow cones but everyone I know has blue so you’re not getting a red one because I’ve never seen one before”, you’re not an officer, don’t make people crawl in their heads more when they feel insecure because THAT is not what supportive students do.


i just said it’s from reddit, can you not read? those aren’t my words

@keeaahwahh @reddit5775 we wont back down keep spreading the truth!! Im so proud of you guys!

Not you, just hitting the reply button, sorry fam

buddy buddy chill

Also people have been coming at this user for literally no reason. You guys need to chill out

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i thought we were past this already lmao