NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

Guys has anyone from Tandon have “no apps” or “no update button” on their portal. Most people I heard from were from Tisch CAS Stern and LS. No one from Tandon has yet told me their button disappeared and they have no apps.

Anyone care to contradict?

guys I get it know, my theory is that if you have both the boxes( the application update and theater one) that means they are still updating your results into your portal. But if you only have the top box, and your housing still says spring, that means you got rejected. But if you only have the top box and your housing says no application, then you got accepted.

this makes sense, but has anyone had the button disappear on their portal but still have spring on their housing? from what I’ve noticed, everyone that has the button disappear also has no applications in their housing section.

@semidon I applied to Tandon and have the no application housing message and the button on my portal has disappeared.

I have no applications for housing but in my portal I still have the “Personal Information Status Update Request”? What does this mean? I know there was another update button somewhere that disappeared, but is this it too?

ok so let me spell it out

one button + spring dc= rejection

two button + spring dc=defferal

one button + no application=rejection

is this actually factual?

i thought one button + no application was supposed to equal acceptance?

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sorry I meant acceptance

also, are they still updating portals?

I think by Friday, everything should be updated

Are there going to be more acceptances as of tomorrow?

I dont know man I hope so becuz I still see spring on my housing application

what about your update button?

still there

ouch, sorry to hear that. Hopefully sunrise tomorrow will bring us some good news. Else if you dont get in remember its NYU’s loss not yours

you can access the stern email?

guys dont worry

some ed1 ppl had their no apps stuff few hours b4 decision

you sir just made my day and I love you both literally and figuratively. You sire are a hero

ok sir i need my NYU spot as well ok