NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

I like to think if its meant to happen then it will happen but we cant know for sure. I guess we find out on tuesday dont we. We cannot take anything as certain as of now. It could be anything and hence we cannot make an assumption and upset ourselves. Just get some sleep or a meal or whatever you are doing and i dont know wait for the time to pass?

I honestly cant sleep rn dangit man

Did u apply to cas bio?

Tandon CS, international with 93% CBSE and some international top 100 ranks in CTF events.

■■■ there’s no way you won’t get it . What major?

Wow! Good luck

i did bio cas man

Imma be shook if u don’t get in Bc Nyu bio ain’t even all that

My research were as followed:

  1. I produced electricity using lacto accidophilus and ecoli
  2. I studied how nicotine affects schizophrenia rates in 19 year olds publishing papers with neuroscientists
  3. I studied how nicotine affects dreaming patterns in teenagers and young children

980 total hours of research 3 years, 4 hospitals shadowed for a total of 4 years 1k hours. President of Doctors of tomorrow teaching medicine and helping minorities enter medical programs and internships, and at the top medical program for 3 years man.
Like isnt this good man

Holy ■■■■ so impressive man. I can view one button and see no applications. I applied for the 7 year dental program and they take like 10-15 ppl each year so honestly idek if it’s a good predictor. I’m not even THAT qualified

my grades for each semester since 9th grade were this: 97,100,95,96,79,86,98
I had a drop due to family issues that dropped my mental health and I wrote about it

Damn pop off

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■■■■■ im a typical asian with regional rank 1. and gold award for intl maths olympiad and research paper for natural sciences on national youth conference (won award of excellence)

such a typical asian

wait so ur going for tandon but u got no apps?

crap my essay is basically k drama

Does this work for anyone else too?

  1. not sure if this is possible yet, but if you applied to stern and use your netid@stern.nyu.edu to try to log into google and it brings you to a stern login page, it means you were accepted. apparently this only works on the same day decisions come out.


For anyone that’s freaking out, no one knows if any of this actually means something. Just be hopeful and distract yourself until the decision date.

Theres nothing left to do but wait!!

well the issue is that it means something