NYU Abu Dhabi

<p>@Kiwikid — There’s nothing rude about it dude relax :slight_smile: Well actually it came more like a shock to me, cause I was pretty confident that I’ll get in and I was enthusiastic enough… I never got as to what I did wrong or anything, but after some months I realized its not worthwhile to look back… cause it’s not gonna yield me anything, it’s to learn from the past and move on… It has took me a bit of time to regain my optimism once again, and yes I’m pretty positive (if not sure) that I’ll get in this time, I’d love to see all you other people in NYUAD as well! :)</p>

<p>P.S – I kinda felt that maybe they were opting for more diversity from rest of world and kinda prioritizing only Emiratis (UAE nationals) from the UAE, so it could be that where as to why I didn’t get in the first try… of course its my opinion and it could be wrong to say that though.</p>

<p>@Kiwikid – and yeah, from the last year, there was no one accepted from New Zealand at all… so maybe I can say that your chances are seemingly high considering your interest from the region :)</p>

<p>Ok so murtaza, since you’ve been through the whole process before, you may know a little bit more about the timeline than I do, so I have a quick question. I submitted my app on October 15th. In your opinion, when do you think i will receive my cw invitation if they decide to invite me? How long after you submitted your app did you get an invitation?</p>

<p>thanks murtaza! were there even any NZers at the Candidate Weekends?</p>

<p>And IBathlete, i don’t think it’s so much after when do you receive it, it’s more like how many weeks before the CW you receive it. I received mine… five weeks in advance, though last year it was closer to 3. Not sure why mine came so early, especially that now I have had to shift to December so I have almost a 2 month gap between invitation and AD!</p>

<p>@Kiwikid – There were Australians and people from Asia-Pacific regions like South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Brunei, Thailand etc. but apparently I never heard of a New Zealander in any of these weekends. That’s what my info tells me and there are no New Zealanders in the Class of 2014 as this page confirms it [NYU</a> Abu Dhabi - Snapshots of the Class of 2014](<a href=“The NYU Abu Dhabi Student - NYU Abu Dhabi”>The NYU Abu Dhabi Student - NYU Abu Dhabi)</p>

<p>@IBathlete – have to agree with kiwikid on regarding the CW invite, its definitely more like how many weeks prior to your CW you receive it and yh see for me my CW back then was on February 18th-21st 2010 so I got my invite at like January 30th (which is 19 days prior to the CW), the application submitting date doesn’t matter actually as long as its prior to your respective admissions deadline (ED-1/ED-2/RD).
Although its nice to see that this time they actually sent an invite 5 weeks prior to the CW but it could be that it’s because you’re (i.e kiwikid) a nominated student so it could be that the admissions committee was able to process your application early itself… it basically does depend on case by case basis regarding invites but expect your CW invite prolly 3-5 weeks before a certain CW.</p>

<p>:) I hope this was helpful</p>

<p>P.S – It reminds me that Guns N’ Roses are coming to perform in AD in December ;)</p>

<p>hmm… so kiwikid, this is your second year applying as well since you say you got it last year 3 weeks prior? Well that’s kind of unassuring, since the CW is on november 18th, so i should have already gotten my invite if they chose me right?</p>

<p>no no no this is my first time applying - i just based my knowledge on last year by reading this thread.</p>

<p>Hey, KiwiKid! You applied so early! wow!
You know…NYUAD kinda loves those who show some REAL interest! So, trust me…you have HIGH chances of GETTING IN! :D</p>

<p>IBAthlete…where do come from? :)</p>

<p>Silky, I currently live in the USA, but I was born in Egypt, and have lived in saudi Arabia for 4yrs and Canada for 10yrs.</p>

<p>@IBathlete — If they haven’t chosen you for November, just have patience, you’ll get a invite for December surely then :)</p>

<p>Murtaza, I’m from Russia :slight_smile: But I also got a FLEX program scholarship and was a 2009-2010 exchange student in the USA.
by the way, I have sent my very last cocuments to NYUAD today and I’m ready to join IBathlete :)</p>

<p>@elithefair – Russia? That’s so cool, its one of those places I always wish to visit someday. I’ve heard about the FLEX program though :slight_smile: I wish you all good luck again, and I hope we do get to see each other next fall in AD, right in NYUAD if not in the CW :D</p>

<p>Murtaza, yes it is cool:) (and cold!)
it’d be reeeally awesome if we all were admitted! :slight_smile: I’m sure we will, as just the fact that we’re all on this forum all excited and dreaming to get to NYUAD is a prove of our great wish and enthusiasm! :slight_smile: Good Luck to us!!</p>

<p>It’s nice to see that this thread is alive again :smiley: Just as a little insight into the lives of the students here, we are currently finishing up our midterms/final papers and many of us have just received our J-Term class assignments. It’s been quite a busy week :3</p>

<p>Good luck to all of you!!</p>

<p>freethefork: so you’re part of the inaugural class? congrats! how is it? i’ve been wanting to start a NYUAD acceptance/rejection thread, but i doubt anyone whose already in/out will be on CC to put their stats in. But i guess you are!</p>

<p>There are a few stats floating around if you look carefully and patiently trawl through this thread.</p>

<p>I had heard, though, that there was a facebook group for those invited to Candidate Weekends but I have yet to be invited to one by NYUAD so perhaps not all invitations have been sent yet? Unless it was a student-created one??</p>

<p>I think I saw some random acceptance/rejection threads way back on CC including of NYU Abu Dhabi which was part of New York University, it was quite long to look at the whole list :P</p>

<p>@Kiwikid — firstly you’re right about stats in this thread itself, secondly you’re also right about Facebook groups; for each CW and the accepted class of the year itself, they do have “closed” Facebook groups for the candidates which are NYUAD-controlled so not anyone/everyone can join.
The Class of 2014 group can at least appear on Facebook if you search, while the CW groups are totally secret and won’t come up in searches as well. You should be invited to the Facebook group automatically if you’ve provided the appropriate email of your Facebook profile in the application itself (if not, then give NYUAD your Facebook profile’s email to send you the invite. Also yeah, they’ll send you the actual Facebook invite itself when all the people for the CW weekend had been invited, which is approx. 3-4 days before the CW.</p>

<p>IBathlete: Yup. I’m part of the class of 2014. It’s a lot of work here academically but it’s nothing that you wouldn’t expect from a top university and it’s all really interesting. If you’re not studying there is usually something going on like camel races or juijutsu. The Abu Dhabi film festival was last week and from what I heard, it was amazing.</p>

<p>To everyone still wondering: all of the CW invitations for the 1st CW have already been sent. Looks like I’m not going to the 1st one. </p>

<p>Freethefork: haha wow that sounds really cool. I hope I can somehow make it in!</p>