NYU Abu Dhabi


<p>The Jterm courses look really interesting! Where are you going/which course have you opted for the Jterm?</p>

<p>Anyways, could you tell me something about living in Sama Tower- how is the overall experience?..any glitches or everything is perfectly fine and rosy?</p>

<p>Thank you! :)</p>

do you have any idea how many people were invited to the November CW or how many people applied for ED I?</p>

<p>@elithefair — I attended an info session just now at the Downtown Campus itself, I heard that there are around 50-55 people at this November’s CW :)</p>

<p>The information officer who gave the whole presentation said that the total size of Class of 2015 will be around 170 this time hopefully so for acceptances alone, they’re gonna have around 200-220 something, and also she said that there’s possibility that CW sizes are relatively higher say 60-65 people per CW. She said its either that or there’s a possibility that the last CWs in late February and March could even have CW sizes of say 80-85 students, but she said she still can’t confirm that fact. So only time will tell.</p>

<p>hey elithefair,</p>

<p>have u received an invite for the nov CW?..or are you waiting for their reply?</p>

<p>Either ways, good luck! :)</p>

<p>Murtaza, thanks for the info! sounds pretty optimistic :slight_smile:
Silkesha, thanks! no, I haven’t, as my last documents have been sent just a couple of days ago, but I really do hope I’m gonna get one for December.
I don’t have the best grades in my class, and my TOEFL/ACT scores are not that high, but I hope my extracurricular stuff plus an exchange year scholarship in the USA are going to help me.</p>

<p>elithefair(sounds sweet),</p>

<p>Well, its NYUAD…so, its best for us to be OPTIMISTIC and hope for the best!..
You never know…they might simply be impressed with what you’ve got! :smiley:
We’ll do our job of submitting the documents and putting our best foot forward…and let NYUAD do the rest! :)</p>

<p>Anyways, I am sort of excited for the whole process! How about you?</p>

<p>Besides, I would like to know if your are submitting any of your SAT scores? Also, what board does your school follow? Is it either of the two: A levels or IB?..In short, what testing policy have you opted for?</p>

<p>Thank you! :)</p>

<p>(P.S.: May I know your name, please?)</p>

<p>IBathlete, </p>

<p>I would like to know if you are applying to NYUAD based on your IB scores…or your IB scores+something more? For instance, SAT, TOEFL, etc…</p>

<p>Good luck and thanks! :)</p>

<p>I kind of just dunked all my AS-Level scores and my SAT scores to them… it’s hard to specify which you intend to submit if you submit all of them, but then again mine were all relatively similar so I guess it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.</p>

<p>Wow, that’s interesting that all the Nov ones have sent out - did the adcoms mention that these were only for nominated students or something? My email mentioned “if you have not yet submitted your application for EDI, we suggest you do so” which makes me think it wasn’t based on my application and more on the nomination…</p>

<p>I dint know any specific info about the cw, the admission officer just said they’re all sent. Silky, I sent my ACT score, because I only have 1 ib score thus far, since taking most of them this may. I was really looking forward to attending the CW thus November, but i guess there were more qualified people. Now I need to focus in applying to other schools, and find out to apply EA to. It’s ok to apply ED and EA to different schools as long as the EA isn’t binding correct? Sorry for the random question guys, but nyuad might have specific rules.</p>

<p>haha, i just reread my message, and i have an exorbitant amount of typos, sorry guys. i was typing the message from my phone, which decides to do some weird spell check substitutions.</p>

<p>KiwiKid, </p>

<p>I am not sure if they had specifically pre-planned that they’d have a separate CW for the nominated students. But, I do believe that majority of those selected for the Nov CW would in fact be nominated students, since those were the Early birds!..and I don’t think, the ones who are not a part of the nomination process would actually be done with all the stuff so early!</p>

<p>KiwiKid, </p>

<p>I am not sure if they had specifically pre-planned on having a separate CW for the nominated students. But, I do believe that majority of those selected for the Nov CW would in fact be nominated students, since those were the Early birds!..and I don’t think, the ones who are not a part of the nomination process would actually be done with submitting all the stuff so early!</p>


<p>As I said, the ones selected for the Nov CW were the Early Birds. They had applied very early…and since, you are just done with submitting everything, you must wait!..they might call you for the Dec CW! :D</p>

<p>oops!..sorry for posting that twice! :S</p>

<p>Yes, I understand your point. I guess that makes sense. Though, i was in fact nominated earlier this month, but I submitted my application on the 15th, so I guess compared to kiwi kid and others like him, that is relatively late. Either way, I hope it works out for the best for all of us! If any nyuad students are reading this, I would love to hear about your experiences thus far! How is the acedemic, social, and cultural life in AD?</p>

<p>For me, I put in my AS/A-Level scores, SAT and SAT II scores… I’d have given ACT only if they had more resources/influence in Abu Dhabi, there’s only like 1 centre here in Abu Dhabi I guess while there are 2 in Dubai making a total of 3 in the whole of UAE. Plus more books/resources are available for SAT and not for ACT here. Also both AP/IB were available in my school yet I had to do A-Levels as places were full already in my school for either programs when I applied.</p>

<p>@Kiwikid – The adcoms officer said it was more based on both nominated people plus those whose applications plus some supplement materials like scores/transcripts etc. had already been received although she still said that there may still be like a 10% chance whether if you apply ED1 and yet you’re called up for a Nov. CW instead of Dec.</p>

<p>@IBathlete – Don’t panic, you still may have a better chance in coming in Dec. if not Nov. now, plus it could be that this year’s Dec. CW is something like the March CW in the LAST year’s admission’s cycle (for Class of 2014 I mean) where some 80 ppl were called up.</p>


<p>my name is Elina) I am reeeeeally excited! You can’t even imagine :slight_smile:
I have sent my TOEFL and ACT scores, as as far as I understood it has to be either ACT or SAT.
my school doesn’t follow any named boards. Russian education system is very different, actually. we have 1-5 grading scale, there are no Pre-AP, AP classes nor electives. Everybody just studies the same stuff, and we have around 15 classes in our schedule.</p>


<p>I have the same question with the EA…</p>

<p>Yeah you can apply to EA and one ED school but if you get into the ED school you must withdraw from the EA ones. Make sure your EA ones aren’t REA (stanford), SCEA (yale) which are limiting.</p>


<p>thanks! Sounds good!</p>

<p>Anyone aware of some good univs offering the EAs???</p>

<p>Also, what do you guys think of Rolling Admissions?..</p>