NYU Abu Dhabi

<p>I can’t say this with full surety but yh, you can apply to 1 school as ED and another as EA, however given acceptance at one, you’ll have to withdraw from all the rest. Also yh, some EA’s can act more like ED itself so read before selecting.</p>

<p>Hey Murtaza, when you went to the CW last admissions cycle what were the science/engineering facilities like?</p>

<p>I wish I could’ve told ya more… although the classrooms were pretty amazing, with projectors, seating and stuff!.. but apparently the science, engineering labs weren’t shown to us, could be because according to the NYUAD Bulletin available on the NYUAD website <a href=“http://nyuad.nyu.edu/pdfs/bulletin.2010-11.pdf[/url]”>http://nyuad.nyu.edu/pdfs/bulletin.2010-11.pdf&lt;/a&gt; , it says that there will be a separate Center for Science and Engineering some way far from the campus which will house the science labs and stuff, although I saw some pics during the info session and believe me, they really looked like top-class research facility labs! :smiley:
btw which majors are you currently all interested in, I know most of us are undecided officially yet still, which majors currently appeal to ya all? I’m interested in Engineering and Mathematics.</p>


<p>(THEATER and FILM at NYUAD too are kinda appealing to me! :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>So has anyone been invited to the CW? All the invitations should be out by now.</p>

<p>Well I won’t be invited to a until mid-January if any, I suppose, since I’m applying ED-2 and yh, the November CW invites should be completely out by now, the December CW invites may still come out around the first week or mid-November :)</p>

<p>yeah it’s odd how there aren’t that many on CC - last year’s batch seem to be much more enthusiastically on CC and there were quite a few who got to a CW. Though, I suppose, the deadline just closed so activity should pick up around December as people start comparing notes. (Also I must stop forgetting that in the northern hemisphere students have just started their final year! When in contrast, I graduate in a month so everyone’s finished our local uni applications and so forth).</p>

<p>Hoping to major in maths… and/or physics. Though I definitely want to take Arabic too, I have a love of foreign languages and have actually already memorised the Arabic alphabet :smiley: though I totally cannot, despite my best attempts, pronounce the “ayn” sound without sounding like I’m choking.</p>

<p>My counselor called one of the admissions counselor last week who stated that including mine, there were only 6 applicants from America who applied.</p>

<p>Wow… seems unbelievable!</p>

<p>Though to be fair the deadline is today, so your counselor should call again today to find out the total US ED applicants…</p>

<p>Any chance he/she can also find out the total ED applicants in the whole world full stop? Information in the Southern Hemisphere is so hard to obtain…</p>

<p>@Kiwikid — I love Maths, its a game of numbers! Well I do know a little Arabic, cause in written context its more like Urdu (my native tongue), so I can speak given texts of Arabic but I still don’t get their meaning :stuck_out_tongue:
And only 6 ED-1 applicants from America, that’s really unbelievable! :D</p>

<p>caveat: most ED submissions are likely to be happening today, with a lot of stress etc around CC</p>

<p>only 6!..I don’t believe that!..Your counselor must contact the admissions offer, again!
and well, there would be plenty for the RD!..the number could be less for ED…
but, 6 is just too less!..kinda unbelievable!</p>

<p>There is no way there were only 6 ED applicants from America! From my respective school, there are already 2. I would definitely have your counselor call again and get the real number. I would love to know those kind of stats. But then again, the less people who apply, the greater chance we will get in, haha. Another reason that stat doesn’t make sense is because I submitted my app along with all my paperwork in mid-October, and i wasn’t invited to CW, so apparantely there were 40-60 kids who were more qualified and/or applied earlier, and seeing as that the majority of last years class (and most likely this years) were Americans, at least 20-30 of them going to the November CW had to have been Americans. Either way, this is all speculation. If someone calls nyuad and finds out the facts, please share them with the rest of us. And I agree with you guys, the quietness of this thread is quite abnormal! Maybe there’s another nyuad thread on CC that we don’t know about, haha.</p>

I don’t believe this either…
By the way, I’m applying for Brain and Cognitive Science.</p>

<p>Well that’s how it was last week. I turned my application in back in September, but on the Application Status page of NYU, my transcript box had still not been checked, so I told my counselor and she got on the phone with the actual Admissions Officer named Joshua Fein, who is the one on their site. At that time, there apparently were only 6 ED applications received from students in America. I know its hard to believe too</p>

<p>in your previous post you said that your counselor called last week, but now you stated that you submitted your app in sept., and “at that time” there were only 6 applicants. If you’re saying that in september there were only 6 completed applications, then that is believable. seeing as that most people don’t even know where they’re going to apply in september, it’s plausible that only 6 full app’s were in NYUAD’s possession at that time. Though i’m sure by now they must have a few hundred at least.</p>

<p>No. What I meant was that I sent my application in September with the transcript and everything. But on the Application status site, I kept checking it every week until last week and the box stated that they still did not have my transcript. So last week, I told my counselor about this to see if she had sent the transcript, and instead of sending it again, she just contacted the admissions officer to talk to him about it. That was when the 2 of them had a conversation last week and my counselor told me that they had 6 applications</p>

<p>I hope this doesn’t mean NYUAD will now become like MSU or other Middle East start-ups which die out</p>

<p>I am interested in Brain and Cognitive Science. I havent applied yet. ill probably send in my application at the end of november</p>


<p>well, if tht has to happen…it won’t be happening so early at least!
NYUAD has just started the journey!..and its just getting better day by day!
hmm…lets just wait n watch, anyways!</p>