Hi, I plan on applying to NYU CAS ED2! Please chance me! Ill chance back!!
Race: white
Gender: Female
Go to a public school in NY
Weighted GPA: 96.7
SAT: 2010 - Writing: 710 Math: 710 Reading: 590 
ACT: 31 Science: 31 Math: 30 English: 31 Reading: 30
Notable EC: Teach Piano for free to underprivileged children/Lots of community service
Took 3 AP Courses in HS
Be Honest 
Hey there! Chancing you, just like you asked! Your test scores seem good for CAS. Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with the GPA system, since I’m an international student. Does your school provide rank? Your ECs seem fine from what I’ve gathered. I see you took 3 APs, but how many were offered in your school? If you took 3/3 that’s impressive, but if you took 3/16 that is not so great.
Bottom line - If you have good essays and good rec. letters, I see no reason why NYU CAS wouldn’t accept you! I’m also an ED2 applicant, and I’m applying to CAS as well. I was thinking about applying to LSP as my second option, but I’ve heard that you don’t get the full NYU experience (although you pay the full NYU tuition) because you’re away in the first two years, so I didn’t apply. If you really want to go to NYU, I would apply to LSP as a second option, but keep that in mind!
But anyway, I think NYU will accept you to CAS (hopefully both of us!)
Hope to meet you in the square next fall - and hope I helped!
depends on the major, but pretty good chance. Don’t worry too much. Chance me back!